~October 26th Scorpio New Moon Extremely Powerful Time~

Lia's picture

Transformation endings manifestation beginnings


so scared

Jenny's picture

I know it is coming and the timing is good, but I am so scared tht I am going to fail. All the stress and fustration is pushing me to Colorado where I want to open a ranch for kids to work with animals. Animals heal. There are so many kids out there that are hurting and in turn hurt themselves....  I am afraid that I am not worthy of the task, afraid that I will go out there, drag my family across the country and do NOTHING. How do I get over this fear? This fear will not allow me to manifest.


Lia's picture

WE DO OFFER AWAKENING SESSIONS FOR THESE SITUATIONS, EMAIL US AT MotherGod1111111@gmail.com if you are intersested. WHen You set out into the Universe a descision that is based on service to Love, the Universe will assist you, Trust LOVE. We understand Humanity has been so dumbed down in the illusion of fear, which is false evidence appearing Real, for so long they do not understand that Love is actually on thier side, in every moment. If You are to be In Colorado, The Universe will Effortlessly get you there. Do not be attached to the Outocome when you ask A Prayer, just let it go and then follow the signs~We Love You, Love Mother and Father God

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!