Oracle Report ~ Balsamic Moon Phase –~Moon in Virgo/Libra

Lia's picture



Friday’s energy centers around expectations – what we expect of ourselves and what others expect of us. It is important to remain true to your own individuality and not let others project their own issues onto us. If conflicts or difficulties arise, ask yourself whose expectation is really the concern. Is someone’s motive or level of commitment being revealed? We will need to remain true to ourselves and not be pulled from our path.

Saturday’s energy allows things to easily get carried away and out of control. There’s almost a hysteria with people’s emotions. People are inclined to be manipulative, trying to sway others to their desires. To maintain a state of equilibrium, use the technique of being the wise old owl deep inside the tree, peering out and observing what is happening without becoming involved.
On Sunday, we will need to nourish ourselves and refresh our hopes, wishes, and dreams. It’s the last day before the New Moon and the best time to clear out anything that remains unresolved from the past (especially the past month). The energy is about nourishing through simplicity and acts of kindness (especially kindness to ourselves).

The next lunar month (which begins Monday) is a powerful one. It heralds a vast new beginning and themonth is going to bring many opportunities. More on this Monday and what we can expect from the New Moon opposing Eris.
