Oracle Report - Monday, August 27, 2012

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Monday, August 27, 2012


First Quarter Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn

Today is interesting because we are able to see things we haven't seen before.  The keyword for today is vision (symbolized by the hawk).  There's the familiar - things we've seen and understood before - and there are new things that that we see and understand because we have a wider perspective or lens.  This is a result of the big upgrade to our personal energetic fields that happened last month and the re-forming of situations into something new that is happening this month.  The ability to directly communicate with our higher Source has been strongly amplified. This "alignment" with the mind of the planet is a great blessing.  It enables us to see things we didn't see before.  When I write "see" I mean literally "see" with our eyes and "see" meaning to understand or being enlightened to.  Aha moments are insightful.

Today, attention/energy will go directly for what is beautiful - beautiful ideas, beautiful hearts, beautiful dedication, beautiful acts of kindness, beautiful creations, beautiful words, beautiful souls, etc.  At some point today, we will have the choice to do something the same way or a little bit differently now that we see things from a wider point of view. 

