Oracle Report - Monday, September 17, 2012

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Monday, September 17, 2012


New Moon Phase - Moon in Libra; Pluto Stations Direct

Today is a day of grounding.  Focusing on everday routines and details is going to create inner peace and organization - bringing order to the chaos we've been under for the past two months.  Doing this, and finding simplicity within everything that we do, is going to bring a refreshed perspective.  This is sweet, uncomplicated energy that is a welcome rest for our over-worked energetic bodies.  Find reverance within your tasks.  Recognize that anything that seems inconsequential is a necessary part of the whole.

Today we also want to reinforce our devotion to Gaia/Sophia.  Do this by going outside, becoming still, looking at her beautiful creation, and engaging in a conversation.  A prayer of thanks works well.  Remember that this month she is speaking to each of us.  Today strengthens the connection.

For those who are grieving, and there are many, acknowledge what is truly happening: you are conquering life's storms and coming out not only wiser, but stronger.

I would much prefer to write only about the sweet and simple overtones of today's energy, but there is a hiccup that can't be ignored.  The owls here are wise enough to integrate complexities.  That said, the hiccup to today's energy is Pluto stationing retrograde at 7 Capricorn.  While we want to strive for (and bask in) simplicity today, we need to be aware that there is a heightened tendency for people to be manipulative.  Any suggestions or conversations that strike you as discordant should be discarded.  But the experience will yield important information to you about the person's true nature.  Don't let anyone else's ugly words lead you astray or go to your heart.  It's just projection at its worst.  Pluto is still squaring Uranus, so with the slingshot effect of Pluto's direct movement, there's potential for something shocking or surprising.  If you experience this, hold to reverance and simplicity.  Remember that this month Sophia is speaking to each of us and in order to hear her, we must hold the highest integrity.  Overall, Pluto stationing direct is going to help things out a lot.  It's just the day it happens can be a bit much.

