Oracle Report - Thursday, September 6, 2012

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Thursday, September 6, 2012


Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Taurus/Gemini

I have been writing daily energetic reports for many years.  I am no stranger to the borderlands of light and dark, and on a daily basis (in my day job and with my Oracle Report work) I endeavor to bring light into the dark.  In all of these years, I have never seen the conditions that we have been under since the middle of July.  If you have been following these reports since then, you know that we hit a hinge point at that time and things began to dramatically change.  Since the middle of August (with the New Moon) we have been going along not knowing what was going on.  We have been floating through the days, watching and waiting for things to come back into shape.  This has been very unnerving and it has left us feeling somewhat "displaced."  The saving grace has been 1) knowledge that things were going to change and be in flux and 2) knowledge that grounding ourselves with the planet (Sophia) would keep us sane while others came unhinged.  People have come undone, no doubt about it.  Everyone has to some degree or another.  But there is a purpose to this: correction.  We have been energetically dismantled in order to be reshaped into something different and something better.  I have tried to relate this message since July.  If you remember, prior to the "turning point" in mid-July, we worked on creating a space for something new to enter.  I did not capture the full essence of what was happening then, although I do think it helped to prepare us as much as possible.  What we created was a connection with our Source (Sophia), which was an opening for her to enter.  She did and she put things in their proper order.  The configuration of our energetic fields was changed.  When we change on the inside, our outside world changes - but it takes time for this to happen.  That's what's been going on since July.  The "reconfiguration" was so deep and so thorough that it is taking at least this long for things to come back together in their new form.  It will take through the Third Quarter Moon phase of this month (around September 12), but it may take longer.  I do not know yet.  Today's report serves only to clarify what has been happening.  I don't have much else to say, other than even though it has been difficult, it will be better.  This much I know for sure and I hope that it brings you some sense of comfort if you are struggling (as many who have written me are).  If you are doing pretty well, well then lend a hand to someone in need.  (Note: Today the Moon will make the last conjunction with the Black Moon while it is in Taurus.  This will press to the surface all of the issues that I discussed in this report, so be aware that this is happening.)

