Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 3 2012

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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday April 3 2012

 Gibbous Moon Phase

Mercury will station direct overnight tonight, but communications will become progressively difficult as today goes on. Electronic devices such as computers and cell phones may also act up. Mercury stationing direct will help the energy lighten up a little tomorrow, but we are still under the heavy effects of Mars retrograde until April 15. When Mars moves direct, we are going to feel much better.

Today, how we behave and present ourselves is extremely important. If things are breaking down around you, it is even more important to maintain a sense of grace and even pride (the peacock). Of course we are not interested in ego here, so don’t misinterpret the peacock to think it is ok to strut or parade. The peacock is what it is and makes no apologies. Its vibrant beauty comes from the imagination of our Creator, not from its own devices. It has no need to demonstrate its beauty because it is visible to everyone.

All of this means to just be your beautiful self. Don’t allow anyone to take advantage of you or take you down a path that isn’t yours. Don’t hide, but don’t show anyone up either. Stand in your center, maintain your grace, and walk through the day in your complete knowledge of the truth that you are an expression of the Creator with your own unique talents and gifts (that are very much needed in service of the missionl to raise the level of consciousness of the human collective).


