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Greetings Love Beings!

Did you know that September 21st 2013 marks "International Peace Day" (I.P.D.) or "Peace Day"?

     Since reading the article about the thousands of people in Turkey, my mind has been racing with thoughts and ideas of what we can do, here, in the United States to raise awareness of PEACE.  Starting today, we've got 96 days to get the word out!

     Last night, I was up till 2 am writing emails and lists of people to contact in the school systems here where I live.  I thought that if we can get the children involved in numerous activities, their involvement would flow over to the parents in their attempts to help their kids with their projects.  Perhaps even inspire the parents to get involved in their own projects concerning Peace.

     Another reason why I've chosen the school systems is due to the violence that's been covered in the mainstream media in the schools and universities around the world.  Since it's mainly the adults and teenagers who commit these horrific crimes, the inspiring of the younger children to say "NO!  TO GUNS!" or "PEACE NOW!" could spark a chain that would filter to the adults, for the adults who have young children in the school systems are afraid for their children to attend school, regardless of it's location.

     This is serious business folks.  Most of you know that the U.S. is "home-base" for the Illuminati and/or Cabal.  If we can win the hearts and minds of the people HERE to bring Peace to the U.S., then we can set a ground-breaking example to countries all over the world!

     I have left a list of suggestions of what we can do here in the U.S. in the comment section of the article "Update On Turkey".  Perhaps one or more of those suggestions will inspire you to get involved in your own city or community, or, quite possibly, you'll have your own ideas. 

     Either way, the time is NOW to get involved, and what better way to promote Peace than on "PEACE DAY"???  So, let's get busy, let's get inspired, and let's create Peace, not only in the U.S., but all over the world!  Ya with me?

Love, Light and Peace,
