The Planetary Grid Transmissions ~ New Moon Monday, January 23, 2012 ~ Children of the Sun

AnaShyNa's picture



Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation  


The Planetary Grid Transmissions  

New Moon Monday, January 23 


 With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting

during 4 synchronized times:  


Sydney, Australia: 8 pm

Country of India: 8 pm

 Paris, France: 8 pm

New York, USA: 9 pm






I AM Avatar Yoga 

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation


Launching Our 2012 Momentum  

audio support 








Blessed Light Transmitters and GEO Teams,
Magic is in the air as the frequencies of Monday's New Moon envelop our Beings, and our hearts and souls respond with great anticipation and dreams of divine hope for the year ahead. 

Every cell and electron in our body vibrates joyfully at the announcement of our I AM Avatar Yoga focus for 2012 and our awareness of Group Soul has never been stronger! We feel so radiantly ALIVE and grateful that, out of all who applied to be in the physical on the Earth during this time of great shift, we were the ones who were chosen!
Join us this New Moon Monday as we continue to program the Planetary Crystalline Grid with the grounding of the Avatar Blueprint into our physical forms.  In unified synchronization, let us weave rainbows of Sacred Fire and ignite the electronic field with visions of the perfection of Immaculate Concept for all requesting healings this moon. 

Together,  we harmonize extremes upon our planet so Gaia may shift gently and easily as our hearts breathe dreams of all divine possibility upon the Crystalline Grid and our unified group soul charges this web with the love-light of all creation. We must remember that we are Gods!
Bless you for your heart-felt service of LOVE, dear Light Team!
 Let's weave the Magic!







Expanded DNA Code Activation 


Group Activation this New Moon



We must now walk this Earth as the evolving I AM Avatar Race... to live it and to know it without the slightest doubt whatsoever. This embodied attitude will restore, more quickly, the complete Divine Remembrance of our infinite perfection, unlocking more of the codes to our ascended DNA. 
Through this unlocking, we can expect to witness THIS YEAR a great metamorphosis of our entire energy system, greatly expanding our perceptions and abilities.  


The following codes are now activating within our Divine Blueprint that are in the process of coming into full actualization as we become the living light of our I AM Presence here on our ascending planet....


Every cell contains the Immortal Essence of God and It's absolute perfection. There is no illness, aging, or death. We are IMMORTAL with perfect health.
Through massive light absorption our cells remember their Divine Perfection and vibrate in absolute oneness with the Immaculate Concept.
We have the ability to heal ourselves and others, spontaneously and instantaneously as Divine Love and Truth radiate from our every cell.

Our bodies respond to our every command as we are in direct contact with the living light intelligence of our cells. We remember HOW to control the spin of our electrons. This activates our super human abilities.....such as shapeshifting and bilocation.... 
We are radiators of love's transfiguration...... we constantly transfer our perfected patterns to all life as we are ALL the SAME particles of energy.
Through rhythm and constancy, we are masters of our emotional body. We maintain a strong, steady and stabilized form. Our emoting frequencies are joy.......peace.......tranquility and unconditional love... able to transform other energy fields in separation.


We naturally attract everything that is needed and required to fulfill the Divine Plan. Through our purity in the eternal now, we have the power to manifest instantly on the physical plane.... through thought and feeling alone.

Our every thought, action, word, and feeling is being guided by our mighty I AM Presence. We simply know that we are in perfect alignment in every moment. Trusting in the Group Plan, we move forward in our daily lives as a sacred instrument of God.

We live, breathe, think, and feel as ONE, entering into a relationship of perfect love and perfect trust with every life form as we shine our radiant example of the infinite possibilities of God embodied on Earth. 








C H I L D R E N   O F   T H E   S U N 


