Please Share: "Everybody Needs To Know About The TPP

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Everybody Needs to Know About the TPP
Take the Next Step: Share This Video

Dear Reader,

Thank you again for taking action to stop the TPP. With your help, we have already sent more than 134,000 emails to Congress members. But we can't stop there. 

Our members of Congress are weighing their options as we speak, and the opposition is lobbying HARD. The TPP would give corporations even more power over us by letting them sue the U.S. government over any law that threatens the corporation's profits. Some of the things we care about most — like sourcing local food for schools, banning fracking in our communities and labeling genetically engineered foods — are at the top of the corporate hit list. 

We know we can stop Fast Track for the TPP, but we need all hands on deck. That's why I'm asking you to watch and share this video with your friends and family on Facebook.

This is an issue that impacts everybody, but it can be tough to explain why to your friends and family. The video below explains what the TPP is and why it is so bad. It's the perfect primer for anyone that is new to the issue.

Watch this new video and share it on Facebook today.

Mitch Jones Talks About the TPP

We need your help to spread the word about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and how we can stop it. Share the video on Facebook to spread the word about the TPP and get your friends to take action!

Thanks for all you do,

Miranda Carter
Online Organizer
Food & Water Watch
