Prophecy Of Peace

taragrace's picture


As Prophecy States

There Is Supposed To Be A Man That Will Come ON

The Broadcast That Fullford Announced Last Week

And Lead The World In To Peace

As Prophecy States Peace will Last For A Short While

and Then Some Other Stuff Will Happen Which I will

Not Mention At This Time..

Mg Had Mentioned It Will Be Announced That She Is

 Of A Leader Team On The Planet..Of Love

Well, That Would  Be  A Better Version Than

The Original Version I was Told..

I Guess..I  Will Find Out Pretty Soon

Tara Grace


This man of peace, has it

JetV's picture

This man of peace, has it been said how he announces himself?  I believe that it would be in such a way that even those who hide information from the public would also be unaware of how it should happen.  I think that this man would also appear to be something seemingly opposite of his minds agenda, a man who walks publicly in a charade showing a mind that is three steps behind but upon closer observance is in fact five steps ahead.  How also would this man in his characteristic humility know for certain he is what he believes he is?  I ask because only the divine energies, being outside of time and space, know for certain when and who the messenger, prophet, messiah of peace (however the observer wishes to understand the term) is in person.  Also one must ask themselves, should a man in an internet message reach out to me claiming to be this man how much doubt would I have towards this statement and idea in my own mind and understanding?  Once that question is answered then you must ask yourself how that doubt will affect your view of any communications with this person should you decide to challenge them?  With that you must then decide if you're truly ready to confront someone who might be who they say they are.  I will tell you though, he would most likely expect you to question him for giving in easily is what brought the times we have today.

I am by no means claiming to be this man, but I also cannot tell you what you are probably telling yourself already.  I eagerly await your reply, things are looking up and I'm looking for an already solid community of believers like myself.  Love and peace to you.