Pulse from Source Heading Our Way

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Pulse from Source Heading Our Way

by Jenny Schiltz | Jul 3, 2020 | Ascension helpEnergy UpdateGalactic Council of Light

In the briefing I was shown that there will be a signal sent from Source out to the entire Galaxy. This happening in alignment with the lunar eclipse. They explained that a signal such as this had been sent before, but not during my lifetime. It is a clarion call of sorts. (as I heard this it brought to mind Gabriel’s trumpet)

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This pulse of code from Source will serve as an activation of sorts as it will simultaneously help us to unburden ourselves from false programming, while helping to activate the divine blueprint that is available yet dormant in most of humanity. It is through this blueprint that we will be able to heal ourselves in ways we have only dreamed about. The unburdening & activation begins immediately once the pulse has been sent and received. The more we are able to clear what is not in alignment with Source, the more the we are able to access and utilize our pure divine blueprint. 

“Within the blueprint is a homing beacon that will lead you back to Source. Understand that it is not Source out there (he pointed up) but the one in here (pointing to the heart).  Once one has activated and empowered the Source within themselves it becomes a path that has the potential to shift not only your reality but the reality of the whole.” 

I was shown this path as very much like Moses parting the red sea. It would be clear and it felt protected. I asked what it meant to fully activate Source within ourselves and was told that “One that is activated will be in complete congruence in all that they are, in words, thoughts, and deeds.”
