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“You as humanity are entering the Golden Age, a time of peace and plentitude. Note that this truly miraculous transition cannot take place without some pain as all transitions are painful. There are those who believe the ascension will happen in an instant, a quickening. And in the mind of the universe it happens in a flash. On earth it is a process of moving from what was into what will be. It is not unlike the metamorphosis of the butterfly as all that is old must completely breakdown and fall away before the new can manifest. There is a bright and beautiful future for humanity. The angels are rejoicing that so many of you have woken up to your work and purpose as the protective cocoon for humanity as the breakdown and transition occur. Holding your people in the energy of love and light will allow this transition to occur smoothly and with lessened pain. The melting away of the old way in all things has begun. As you watch governments crumble, churches fail, criminal business default and fear based enterprises fall apart, know that this is part of the process. This is the melting away as truth prevails. This is all necessary for your individual and collective freedom. You have earned this. You have proven ready in your collective evolution. The breakdown has already begun and the truth coming into the light. You see it in the eye opening cases of abuse in religion. You see it in the unconcealed greed of your banking organizations. You see it in the deception of your governments. The technology that was created to control the people has backfired and become a tool for the people to find the truth and create their collective freedom. You are at the forefront of a mass extinction of an old way of being and heralding in a mass evolution. The Age of Aquarius is the bringing forth of the of the Divine Feminine as she rises from the waters and depths of the earth. The upheaval of the Mother Earth as she herself transforms into greater potential will cause pain for those who do not love her. Love her as any child loves its mother. Respect her and understand the transition she is facing. She is giving birth to a new way of being and you are all ascending together as one. Those who are unwilling to accept the new way or fight against it will be lost. You are coming into a time of sustainability, prosperity and global community. It is a time of sharing of all the goods and services for the betterment and behalf of the whole. A return to labor of love not held captive by fear and greed."

Victoria - The Elohim of Freedom
