The reason we became Essence Masters

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This physical world is fragile. We create it and we change it.
We are within it and flowing from within, out arriving into it. Merging with it as we have co-created it. We are essence and infinity within. We have emerged from deep within, the dimension where all we relate with is essence, into the physical temple environment which is ready for us to live in as the Conscious Spirit Essence We Are. We are unbreakable immortal Essence. Our Human Temple Trusts Us by trusting Infinity Within the Heart which is the Green Light Energy Sphere here now, at what has been defined and manifest as the Heart Chakra.

Our Human Temple became aware of Time-Space Mortality at the ripening of the physical Light Environment and has embraced the Creator Essence Within as the Real Higher Self Master. That's Who We ARE. We are in Essence as we have been through all the age of building this physical environment of Physical Light Star Systems. We emerge into the beautiful fully functioning abilities of our Human Temple.

It is an interaction of Oneness of Self. As we emerge into this relationship with our Human Temple we take the issues off of our Human Shoulders by Merging our Essence Qualities, that were previously pre-conscious and Hidden to Humanity, Into the Now Conscious Spirit Human Experience. We feel the concerns and face our fears together in a New Born perfection and with Inner Simplicity. We Remember our abilities we bring with us that we Mastered In Essence while creating the Impossible from Nothing. In Essence there were no definitions like there are in this Physical Light Universe. The perfect balance between the Perfect Limitless Spirit Essence and the Physical Light reflection of Heaven. For us to mold and change this Fragile Physical New Born Aspect of Heaven.

We can change it all. We have prepared for this and are Masters of Light and this, as we remember, begins an Age of Joy and Happiness that is the reason we became Essence Masters to begin with.

Jason Walter DeCoste

