Redesigning Society: An Introduction to the Experts on Social Change

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By Phil

The Purpose

The ‘Redesigning Society’ series will capture some expert perspectives on the current state of societal affairs, as well as the collective change we desperately need both philosophically and practically. It also aims to amplify mainstream engagement in how we should globally move forward for ourselves and our future generations.

The Context

Make no mistake about it; there is a growing community of ‘awakening’ people are who engaged in a core dialogue about what it means to be human at the start of the 21st Century. This awakening is a natural evolution for human consciousness and is composed of two overarching parts.

First is a deep realization of the innate interdependence we have with the entirety of reality, regardless if we look at it through the lenses of ecology, quantum physics or spirituality. The second is recognizing the social and systemic dysfunction that requires collective action to be transcended by redesigning our society to reflect the new era that humanity is adventuring into.
