REVELATIONS by Polona Somrak

Denize's picture



by Polona Somrak





Dear Family of Light! 

After a very intense week, I finally feel amazing, and know that I have shifted back into my true Self. It was truly challenging for me, and this was my initiation to move even deeper into my Soul, Divine trust and Self confidence.

The challenges that so many are now experiencing, all have the same basis ... returning to the Self! That means getting rid of all the clutter, all the excess energy. There is a lot of ballast around us, for things that are of the old are resurfacing. Because we wish to deal with these aspects so quickly in this intense shift (which is not just an external, but an internal shift that everyone of us on this path is experiencing), our external realities need to mirror this to us.

These mirrors mostly come to us through the situations we are experiencing in our most intimate relationships. This way we get to assist each other, because we can't always mirror the wounded parts back at ourselves alone. That is why we consciously go into relationships and exchange these mirroring experiences with one another. That is why relationships are such a Gift! They are helping us to move even deeper into our true Self, while getting rid of all which no longer serves us.

It is now time to move even further into Union, not in words but through direct experience. This happens within ourselves first, and then with others as well. That is how we are reaching realms of harmony, compassion and pure unconditional Source Love. During this process of inner integration of our wholeness, it is so important not to limit ourselves with our mind, which is always connected with our past experiences. The mind knows nothing but the past, and wants to keep us in our wounded Core. Love, however, is all encompassing and knows All That Is, as it is. Because Love just is, it also accepts everything as it is.

The more that we are able to hold the "conscious observer" state during this challenging transition times, the easier it is for our Soul to become fully integrated within our body. That also means to be in a state of allowing (embracing what is) and practicing patience and trust. It also helps to be constantly grateful for all the experiences and relationships in our lives, because they are always serving us in such a powerful way, which we cannot always see with our limited Human perception. When we open our Hearts to purity of Divine Love, we can see the bigger Universal picture and that is how we can truly shift.

And remember! When we forget, we forget only in order to remember again ... and this time, the remembrance is even stronger and our Spirit strengthens through every inner shift that we experience!

Within Divine Love, Polona

