Romney Says It’s Tithing That Keeps Him From Releasing Tax Returns

Rain's picture

ABC News
Emily Friedman
, August 24, 2012

ap mitt romney ll 120823 wblog Romney Says Its Tithing That Keeps Him From Releasing Tax Returns

Evan Vucci/AP Photo

HOPKINS, Minn. – Mitt Romney has offered a new explanation for his resistance to releasing more than two years of tax returns, telling Parade Magazine that he never intended for the amount of money he gives to the Mormon church to be made public.

“Our church doesn’t publish how much people have given,” Romney told Parade Magazine in an interview that will appear in the August 26 issue of the magazine

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Yeah, nobody's asking the

will's picture

Yeah, nobody's asking the church to publish anything. If he's going to use his religion as an excuse for not being open and honest, that's all the more reason to not elect him as president.

Pants on fire?

Guest's picture

Now it all makes sense! The fire proof underwear that  mormon missionaries wear. It's for protection when Mitt lies....Liar, Liar pants on fire- Not for Mitt! He's protected!

Giveth and taketh away

King David's picture

I get it, give unto God what God has no use for, but keep what Caesar's law says to give him like the rest of us better do???