~Sananda on the Ascension Process ~ Part 11

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Sananda on the Ascension Process ~ Part 11

2011 September 9
by Steve Beckow

I continue with some passages of material attributed to Sananda from Eric Klein’s The Crystal Stair (1990) to give us yet another historical view of how Ascension has been discussed for quite some time.

I’ve said earlier that Imperator, Beinsa Douno, Silver Birch and others were discussing it back in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. I’m sure there are many more who were as well. A 1990 discussion is almost current, but still twenty years back. But most of what Sananda says is almost identical to what’s being said now; a few things are not. Let’s listen in on more of the things he says.

(Continued from Part 10.)

The first and second waves are going to be made up of Starseeds, The first wave will undoubtedly be Starseeds and only the small percentage of Starseeds who are awake to this. The second wave will most likely be the majority of Starseeds. Hopefully there will be some humans who are not of that category who will be prepared to go.

The third wave will occur at the last moment, before and during the major … transformation of the Earth’s surface. …

Know that our goal is to lift as many beings from this world into their higher state of awareness within these three waves. The Earth will undergo its transformation. It will become a fifth-dimensional entity, and afterwards [after Ascension] there will be a repopulation of the Earth by beings who are compatible with fifth dimensional reality. So you might say that no one will be able to be earthlings unless they have ascended. …

You do not need to be one hundred percent healed and whole emotionally or spiritually in order to ascend. It makes it easier for you to go through the process. It makes it more enjoyable perhaps. but there is nevertheless the opportunity for you to do so [i.e., ascend]. We can work miracles with each of you. This is our intention. …

We will be working with you, especially if you choose this Ascension path, and showing you with our love and healing. [That is: the hierarchy will be working with everyone - those who do and those who do not choose to ascend.] We will be assisting you to release those limitations that you have accepted around yourselves, all the pain and suffering that each of you has absorbed that still to some extent clings to your emotional bodies and beings.  This can be surrendered and released. And it does not need to be painful. It does not need to be overly difficult. Though it will be challenging. …

If you sincerely apply yourself and have that sincere desire in your heart I do not see any reason why it is not possible for you to go. If you are not going in the first wave, if it is not your state to go in the first wave, perhaps you are not quite ready or you choose not to go at that time, there will be another opportunity that occurs not too far after the first wave and you can in all likelihood be well prepared by that time….

You have, as all have, accepted limitations and veils and accepted more of the pain of life and the density that exists here into yourself and into your body. This will be released. You can participate in it. A lot of it will be occurring without your active participation. This is the time when miracles are going to occur. This is not as much of a miracles as you might think. So be positive and make your choice based not upon what you think is possible for you, but make your choice based on what you would like if anything were possible for you.

(To be continued.)
