Sanat Kumara Speaks for Lord Buddha & the Spiritual Hierarchy Essence of Continuance ~ Oneness Within

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Sanat Kumara Speaks for Lord Buddha & the Spiritual Hierarchy
Essence of Continuance ~ Oneness Within

The Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond, March 7th, 2011

Good evening,

This is Fred speaking.  Welcome to the Temple of 911.  We are very excited for each of you because of the week that is going to be happening with the energy frequencies that we’re feeling here also.  We’re very, very excited to have you join us in the Temple to assist in the frequencies and also to extend our hands out to you in friendship as we are all here meeting our Soul Brothers and Sisters.  Let’s take a deep breath as we bring forth our teacher this evening.


I am Fred, the Spokesperson for the Temple of 911 and Beyond.

Greetings, greetings, greetings!  It is absolutely wonderful to be here to bring forth the blessings of the Spiritual Hierarchy in these moments of reflection as each of us are all working together to assist the Planet in the Light and the balance and the Love that is coming into the Earth plane in various ways.  I come to you this evening as a “Spokes-Soul” - a frequency that is quite different than Christine has been feeling lately.  So give her some time so we can fully acclimate her to the level of communication that his happening in this moment. 

I come to you as Sanat Kumara .  There are many energies coming through me at this moment and this is why our Dearest One here is a little bit conflicted with what is happening in her body.  We are coming forth to you in the higher frequencies to assist in the Planetary changes that are about to occur this week once again.  These changes coming forth are more integration than you’ve been receiving previously; although the other ones have been integration, the moments that are happening now are actualization. 

\You have been preparing yourself for this time, preparing yourself to bring forth these frequencies in the light and the love that you are.  As you are doing this, your body is changing quickly.  Some of you may have noticed that it is changing in different frequencies, and as these frequencies are occurring for you, the Essence of Continuance that is happening for you is quite different than it was before.  Why?  Why is it different this time?  Well, of course we are in a fabulous year, you’re moving towards more unity than you ever have in the Planetary level, but it’s more than that.  Your souls are awakening onto the Divinity that you are.  Your souls are having their remembrance of what it is like to meet others, what the essences that occur in communication, in love, in sharing and continually allowing these elements to unfold within your Being.  As you start to feel these frequencies, you’ll start to see an essence within you that is quite different than before.  Everyone is feeling it; changes are resulting in everyone’s lives.  Some may be larger than others.  The ones that have been aspiring to these levels of movement are going to be feeling it even more greatly.  The ones that have been tired – so very tired – that have wanted to leave the Planet because you’ve been doing this for eons and eons of time and think, “Oh no, not another one!  When is it really going to happen?  Am I going to see the frequencies?  Am I going to see how my life is going to change?”

Okay, I’m going to ask you one thing.  Right now, take a deep breath.  I want you to see yourself where you were January 1st of this year.  I bet each of you have changed greatly.  Maybe your lifestyle hasn’t changed, but your consciousness has changed, and your lifestyle has probably shifted.  There may be people that came into your life, maybe people that left your life, or maybe you’re about to embark upon a pathway that is unbelievable.  Some of you are sitting and saying, “Okay everyone else is doing something, but what about me?  What about the frequency of the Light that is happening in my life?  I don’t feel grounded; I don’t feel like I’m moving forward, so what is occurring for me?”  The ones that are not physically moving forward in their pathways -- like a residence or a business -- I bet there are relationships that have come into their lives.  Each of you is incorporating some type of change within, although each of you is not incorporating all the changes, because how boring would that be if you did it all the same at the same time even though you’re all part of a soul family?  No, not at all.  Each of you has to bring forth those segments -- like pieces of the pie -- the nucleus.  If you take yourself in the family that you are of 144 souls that are deeply inter-connected and you’re starting to flow together, and as you’re flowing together you’re allowing that frequency to come within and allow yourself to see that, ye,s there are changes.  Some may come in and stay for a while, and then they may leave, but then they may come back!  That’s the beauty of it.  What is the beauty of it that each of you desires?  Each of you is very gifted, and within those gifts sometimes it can be a detriment to your personal life.  That is part of the process, unfortunately.  You need to know what to balance ~ like any relationship -- anything that is occurring for you -- you need to know when you need a boundary and when you do not need a boundary.  You need to understand the conceptual frequency that is happening for you, and as you start to understand it, you will incorporate the changes that are necessary.  When these changes occur you will see the development in your lives and how it needed to happen at the rate that it did.  You’re still in the human condition where you’re not quite ready to fully Be in the Moment.  You need to be in the moment and fully accept what is occurring for you.  Within this acceptance, you’ll see a change.  Within this change you’ll be able to correlate the elements that have been occurring up to this point. 

It’s like each of you is on a mountaintop; think of yourself as a pile of snow.  Within that pile of snow you feel your nucleus, you feel your Light Body, you feel the essence around you.  Then you start rolling down the mountain and you start accumulating other elements, because you’re only going to bring forth the Light.  As you breathe deeper allow that frequency of light to be fully within you, then more Light is going to be attracted to you.  Then there may be others that think they’re fully in that Light frequency so they come toward you and they’re repelled by you.  If they are at a lower vibration than you, they could attack you, they could manipulate, they could use energy to do so; yet your light is so strong you know you can handle whatever and protect yourself with more Light until you’re rolling even further down the mountain.  Those individuals cannot stay in your space.  You’re creating this pathway, and as you allow the pathway to keep accumulating you feel the frequencies occurring more deeply.  As these frequencies occur more deeply, you’re receiving more Light, so this is exactly what you’re doing with your Light Body with these activations, with these frequencies that are happening on almost a daily basis, with the moon changes.  This week is an enormous doorway for each of you to walk through.  You’re still moving down the mountain, you’re not quite at the bottom.  What is at the bottom of the mountain?  The bottom of the mountain is the purity of your essence because you’ve accumulated all these light frequencies and the pure essence of the white snow.  Some of it stays with you and some of it doesn’t.  Some of you don’t even need it all the time, so allow those elements to fully be around you completely. 

When you allow that to occur, you start to see how you are creating your soul family to come together.  There may be parts of your soul family that are not ready, there may be other parts where they’re in the outlying edges; so you must understand there’s a core group of you that are fully allowing the actualization to occur within you.  In this moment, in this day in March when you’re about ready to walk through a doorway tomorrow at 11:11 ~ this doorway is your beginning.  What is it that you want to keep accumulating?  What is it that you still want to have as part of your Being so that you can fully allow these frequencies to be within your life, so they can let you know that you only want the good, you only want the higher frequency.  You don’t want all those lower debris energies you’ve been stuck with for so many eons of time.  It’s not part of your reality and I attest to this.  I attest to this that the more you allow yourself to accumulate down the mountain with these frequencies, the more you’re going to bring forth the other individuals that can align with that energy.  There will be some that will fall away, and then there’s going to be some that are very attracted to it and they’re ready to do the work that is necessary.  Whatever is occurring in these moments in your life, what is your individual sense?  What is your individual accumulation of your light?

We are coming upon a monumental event in this Planet – monumental – as Sanat Kumara I am excited.  I am so excited to see this happening upon this Earth.  Ever since the fall of Lemuria when we all split apart and the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood of the White Light was created, you were part of that Brotherhood and that Sisterhood.  We are not separate from you.  We are the Spiritual Hierarchy in Oneness and this is what we all need to realize.  This is what we are asking Christine to bring forth so much because she is a major spokesperson for us.  There are others, but Christine has the ability to just connect with us personally, and we can connect with you personally.  We need to be personal with each other - we love each other, we accept each other.  We are not only your teachers, we are all to each of you as you have been to us.  This is the beauty of what is about to occur tomorrow on this 11:11 day.  Walk through that doorway with the power within you, the frequency within you to fully actualize, to fully change your concept of who you are.  You’re not in this physical body and you’re not struggling; you shouldn’t struggle.  We need to allow you to vibrate at that frequency to assist you in this process of your Divinity to have that remembrance.  This is the deepness of our soul upon your soul so that we bring forth the Oneness together in the Creation of our Divinity, because your Divinity is our Divinity; our Divinity is yours.  We are all part of the same; we have different experiences and we have accelerated ourselves differently than you have, but believe me each of you are walking this pathway of Mastership.  I want you to acknowledge that, I want you to acknowledge it within your Being that you are the power within you, and that you have something to give to this world - so deeply, so deeply.

Allow yourself to take a deep breath, and when you take that deep breath, I want you to feel in your Solar Plexus your power.  We’re going to integrate within you the Devotional Ray, the Christ Consciousness of the Deep Cherry Red and mix it with Golden Flame.  As we do that into your Solar Plexus, breathe deeply.  Allow that frequency to be through your whole body.  Breathe it downwards and upwards and allow that essence to fully be within you.  You are the beauty, you are the essence and you are the Christ within.  Filter that deep within your Heart and allow your Lotus Heart to fully open to this frequency of receiving. 

As you walk through that doorway tomorrow, I want you to think about this frequency of this Light and this Essence.  Allow yourself to fully incorporate that Light within you and you shall aspire to the essence that you are.  Allow yourself now to fully embrace, accept the embracement to of the Christ within deeply, deeply, deeply.  As you allow that to occur for you, you start to feel the essence of your Being, because there’s great remembrance that is occurring with this frequency and these Rays that are coming to you right now.  You are the Christ, and allow that Christ energy to be in your Heart and allow your Heart to expand with the Golden flow, the Golden beam of light.  Let it go out into your Etheric Body, into your Emotional Body, let it permeate through your Mental Body; allow all those bodies now to squeeze together as you are one full body of Light.  Ask and command that your Higher Self, your Soul, now blends that Golden light towards you into this four body system to make it one full essence of Beingness.  Breathe deeply within that, breathe that frequency as you allow yourself to vibrate of the Christ within.  You are the Christ, you are waking up to that ability to fully create it. 

As you do this on Wednesday, you are the God Consciousness.  This is the entryway upon the Planet that is going to be happening, and each month as they come along you will see more and more developments in this manner.  As you allow yourself to incorporate these energies, you start to see a change occurring within you.  More remembrances will come, more patience that is necessary, especially with those around you that do not have the capability of these frequencies.  Allow yourself to breathe through that and let it permeate down to your Earth Star, up to your Soul Star.  You receive the Golden Flame around you, but now it’s inside of you.  You are that Golden Flame, you are preparing yourself for that Golden Era, allowing yourself to fully be the Being you always have been as it shines deeply around you.

As we look around the Temple we see everyone now as a Golden Flame of light, as we’re all Golden Flames with each other.  Reach out your left hand and your right hand to the people around you, to the souls next to you.  They may be in body or out-of-body, but we’re all connected in this moment.  Feel the blessings within each of us and creating one large blessing within this Temple.  The Temple is permeating with this Golden Ray.  This Golden Ray filters through the whole building; we’re now going to filter it down to the levels of dimensional frequencies and send it to the Earth.  We want to send this Golden Ray around the Earth.  Allow it to be on the outside of the Earth as it goes through the circumference within the planet.  Deeply let it go into the axis of the Earth, let it filter through the lands and the masses, let it go to the animals, let it go to all of the inhabitants of the Earth and allow everything to vibrate.  Expand this vibrancy of frequency to move into a higher dimensional level.  Let’s just send our love of the Golden Flame everywhere that we’re going and allow that to move through the processes.  Let everything open up and grow. 

The winter is leaving us – in a few weeks we’ll be in the springtime.  Let us now put that through the land masses and breathe deeply as we are all complete in Oneness at this time.  Bring that back to you of what you send out; what you send out you should always receive in return.  Allow that to move through you.  Now center ourselves off of the Earth now pulling away; what we have left is the beauty of this great activation.  Bring it back up through the dimensional frequencies into the Temple.  I want you to take your hands across your Heart and feel that vibrancy through your hands of the Golden Flame.  Allow it to be on the outside of your Heart, allow it to be around your body, allow it to be any areas of your body that needs healing or patience or love, acceptance and joy.  Allow that to be your guide in the next few days.  As you do that you start to see a change within your consciousness, within your thought processes, within your emotions of raising your vibration deeply.  As you do, I now want you to put your intention outwards for it to be returned to you this week.  What assists you in your pathway in this moment?  What is it that you desire in your life?  It could be something tangible or intangible – an emotion; or it could be something that you desire deeply in your physical existence.  It may be an individual or individuals, it may be an action.  Allow yourself now to take a deep breath and speak through your intuitive self outwardly unto the Universe into the middle of this Temple.  Now all these thought processes are in the Temple. 

We center the Golden Flame around the thought processes and we have one ball of Golden light with all of these feelings; then we’re going to visualize that this ball of light is being shaken up by the God Force, by Mother-Father God, and all of a sudden with a breath of the wind it opens up and all the wishes come back to each individual person or soul that needs and wants to receive their intentions.  Now breathe that into your Heart, feel that in your Heart, feel it in your Throat, your Solar Plexus, your Thymus, all areas.  Your light body is now filtering with this manifestation.  Allow this manifestation to occur for you this week.  It may occur tomorrow, it may occur Wednesday, it may occur Friday, but in all essence it will occur.  Now we embrace it – feel your arms going out and just embrace that activation within you.  You are the Light.  You are the intention of all aspects of your Being.  Allow yourself to create this now, allow that frequency to be within you.  Breathe deeply through that and feel it all the way down to your Earth Star.  Now ground it through your Earth Star and let it spin down your feet into the Earth below.  Allow it to go deep, deep, deep into the Earth so it’s grounded.  It’s not outside of you – it’s fully grounded.  Breathe deeply through that and feel the inner power within you of allowing this frequency to be your frequency and to create the manifestation you desire in this moment.

I Am Sanat Kumara at your service.  I have been asked to speak for Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos, to infiltrate within you and the Planet this frequency, because we are coming to our remembrance stages as we all were in the beginning.  I am in honor of each of you and the walk that you are doing. 

In the Name of the Holy God of Hosts, We Are One.

This is Fred once again.  Thank you, Sanat Kumara.  It’s beautiful here in the Temple tonight.  I hope you will come back and join us and just relish in the energy that is happening here so that we can all connect with each other once again.  I am so very thankful for each of you and everyone here -- all the souls -- are thankful for all the work that you are doing.  We honor your walk and we join you. 


 I am Fred, the Spokesperson for the Clarion Light Beings of 911 and Beyond.

Blessings in Love & Light,

I AM Meleriessee at your serivce