~Saying Goodbye and Tough Love~

Lia's picture
Submitted by dreamer on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 16:51.

I have been having a bit of a hard time dealing with a person in my life who in my opinion was not serving my greater good.


When I said good by it might have been under better circumstances. I felt a bit like I had stranded this person. I also felt the anger coming from this individual for about 5 miles down the road as I drove away. But, then a huge relief came about me. I love this person, that was never in doubt. It can seem like we are doing something wrong when pulling away from a person that drags us back to where they are.  What we end up with is an internal argument. That is, if we do not look at things from our higher self perspective.


Everyone makes their own decisions. Some will continue to bleed energy from those who are closer to the light. When you stop carrying them they get angry and wonder where's the love?


The anger stems from now having to paddle their own canoe. We could call it tough love. It is simply love. These things we all must learn to do ourselves for our own soul path. In the long run we may find out those who we walked away from or those who walked away from us, all loved us the most. My dilemma in this wouldn't have been so troubling until I listened to a mutual friend speak of this perceived chaos situation. I didn't have an answer in spite of feeling I was correct in my action. If this situation comes up again for me I will be able to move forward with grace rather than doubt..

In the Heart,


