A season of growth by Sophia

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A season of growth
by GLR Sophia Love
  We are entering another season.  I see trees in bloom, birds gathering for their nests and the first flowerings of spring.  This is very much as it has always been.  Life goes on and changes emerge in a predictable pattern of growth.

We have come to this place in our consciousness too, in a gradual, predictable fashion.  Our conversations today include subjects they didn’t last year; the occupy movement, Arab spring, the galactic federation.  Expansion occurs for all of us, as one - in every part of this world, our life, mind, body and emotions.  This process of growth just means “more”; more understanding, new ideas, faster vibration, and growth.  

As the earth around us emerges into bloom, we feel our insides bursting forth.  It is as if there were restrictions for a very long time that are now gone.  Free now, we can see more, speak about it and demonstrate how it feels.  We no longer need to conceal ourselves – freedom is the signature word.

Every truth begins there.  Our creator saw love expressed and we are here, living out that vision.  This is true.  Rules about how we need to act or what we must do are interpretations of the vision, not truth.  Love is truth and what love looks like is freedom.  Love cannot be dictated or regulated or restricted or eliminated. Like the emergence of spring against the harshest of winters, love bursts forth every time.

In the front of my home we have a tree and beneath it there is this persistent branch that shoots up out of the earth.  All winter I noticed it and thought “I must cut that branch when the weather changes.”  Yesterday, a flower broke out at the end of that awkward, skinny stick and it is beautiful.  Love is like that – despite your idea about whether or not it should or has a right to or even looks good, it shows up.

Love is us – it is not only that we are able to love or should love or enjoy love – it is that we are love.  We are this exquisite idea, springing from Source.  We are the beginning and ending and all between.  There are none of us wrong.

Our time for love is right now.  This expansion/evolution/ascension is a natural progression of our understanding and experience of life.  We are the one creative thought – love.  As you cannot hold back a flower from blooming or an infant from being born, it is inevitable that love emerges.

The calls for freedom and peace are as naturally occurring as the seasons.  They too, will reach their desired end.

You have been sheltered for so very long from the truth; it is time now to walk about free, embracing your potential.  You are love, the one thought of God.

As such, you cannot be held back any longer.  What you have felt in your heart is true.  You know that you are worthy.  You feel the fact of your oneness, with me and with everyone you know and with all of life.  It is not arrogant to assume your perfection, it is fact.

Each “mistake” or “error” in judgment is just a step along the way.  There is no end, we are always beginning.  A new thought, a novel idea, a change of mind or a different path is par for the course, not an “error”.  There are infinite ways to proceed for one such as you.  Your challenge is only which one to choose.

The flower we see now is here for a season only – appreciate its beginning and journey to fullness.  It will fade one day, yet that is not cause for mourning.  There will be a new bud and once more we will be enveloped in its growth.

Love and life are everywhere expressed.  You are a brilliant, exquisite moment of both.  It is a new season and with great anticipation I eagerly enjoy the display.  

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

