The Shadow War Is Escalating Between The Banking Cabal And The Global Alliance

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It’s been a wild couple of months in economics and geopolitics. We’ve seen chess moves that have changed the dynamics in global power for the positive of humanity, as well as those which are only barely maintaining the status structure.

It’s definitely reaching a do-or-die state of affairs for all involved.

As a contextual overview, there is a shadow war taking place. A western cabal, driven primarily by US and Israeli forces, have been in power for dozens of decades (you can read about it in depth here, as well as some but not all of the most powerful families here). Fortunately though, they are slowing losing grip on their monopoly of control.

There are many names for this power structure, including the deep state, cabal, globalists, elitists, banksters, Zionists and Illuminati, to name but a few. This elite cabal serve to destroy that which doesn’t align with their interests, which as you may have guessed is chaos. In addition, they might still have a successful psy-op campaign on the masses which is inducing some people further into their coma, yet this is disintegrating fast as they no longer dictate the perspective of alternative thinkers.
