Silvia Browne Prediction (Cobra's Blog)

taragrace's picture

HI Everyone,

This Is A Comment On Cobra's Blog..

Regarding A Sylvia Browne Prediction

In 2004..I feel Is Very Interesting..


Sylvia Browne also predicts what seems to be "The Event" wayyy back in 2004 in her book "Prophecy". Where she mentions a day where a ton of Media people, Bankers, Corporate leaders, Politicians, Ect from multiple countries ALL Get arrested & seized upon in 1 day by a joint group people in the Various Governments working together - she even called it a "Cabal" I think. It has to be a 2004 edition as later copies were edited for some reason? - Just Food for Thought- She's been WRONG about Stuff so take it or leave it- But I never forgot that passage as it sounded like the stuff David Wilcock mentioned years later. She also mentioned a world-wild computer virus that would FRY Hard drives PRIOR to these mass-arrests done in the name of "Free Speech" But maybe COBRA's gang can see this stuff coming via their Timeline Monitoring?? (*Back your stuff Up!*).

Only Cobra knows what's really "happening" in the secret war(s) for Humanity & Earth - I'd like to hear his thoughts on this Sylvia Browne prediction on the Alexandra Meadors show in March but I have don't know how to ask her if anyone is wants to investigate it

Tara Grace



Only Cobra knows what's

will's picture

Only Cobra knows what's really "happening" in the secret war(s) for Humanity & Earth

Do you really believe that Cobra is the only person who knows what is happening? I have a hard time believing that there's a whole secret war going on over the fate of Humanity, yet only one person knows what's really happening.


taragrace's picture


I Did Not Write The Comment

It Was A Comment About Sylvia Brownes Prediction That Is All..

(It Does Not Mean I Agree With Everything They Wrote)

I Just Find It Interesting That Is All

Tara Grace