Spaceships during Eclipse, next to Aircraft, exiting Wormholes….

glr_Andrea's picture


Spaceships during Eclipse, next to Aircraft, exiting Wormholes….

2012 MAY 25
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow

Another spacecraft entry by wormhole over Russia, posted to Youtube May 18, 2012


“Multiple UFOs observed during the Proton Briz-M launch, carrying the Nimiq 6 Telecommunications satellite on May 17, 2012 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. I counted 8 UFOs, question is, why was there so many UFOs present at the launch of a telecommunications satellite? Unless it was carrying something else on board!!!”

“Airplane almost crashed an UFO while landing at airport, filmed by passenger on May 03, 2012. Passengers shocked by an UFO. The UFO looks very much like another aircraft while take off, but hey, it is TOO CLOSE!!!”

And possible UFO captured during May 20 solar eclipse.




I find this video very funny!

Dan's picture

I find this video very funny! They tried to launch the rockets at the Pleiaidians but All of a Sudden the pleadians knocked it back down , turned the missle off and took off in space. Nice clever plan from the Pleiadians. I see the Pleiadians also have a sense of Humor and were probably lauphing As well LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA XD \(^_^)/