Special Message from Mike Quinsey

luisavasconcellos2012@gmail.com's picture
Hi Friends,


                 I feel that it is so important that the great news of the coming appearance of the City of Light, Sedona is circulated as far as possible. I have such faith in Genii and her contacts, that I accept without hesitation their message informing us that the City of Light will appear on Earth this Christmas. Genii has been waiting some years for this time to arrive, and what could be more appropriate and exciting for us all than at such a Festive Celebration as Christmas. The Love and Light will surely reach such levels as never before achieved on Earth.  
                Following her visit to the City of Light Embassy, Genii sent out a message on the 22nd.November (as below) and It is the most important one since she first commenced doing them. It should be read in conjunction with her earlier message of the 21st. October. I have decided that just for this week, I will send out Genii's message instead, a copy of which follows.  
               You can read Genii's messages at:  http://www.sedonalightcenter.org and her E/Mail address is: thegeniiconnection@msn.com
                I will resume SaLuSa's weekly messages on Friday 5th.December.
                In Love and Light,
                Mike Quinsey.


Something's Coming
Pre-entrance.. Pastor Joel Osteen says quite often that.... "God Can Do Anything" and to dream "BIG!"
As I ready to enter the City of Light once more through my inner meditation passageway, I see myself walking up to a now very familiar City gate that leads me into the Embassy of Peace from which I receive all the guidance about the City itself. 
This indeed has been a major part of my life for many years so it is quite familiar as I smile in remembrance. I pass through this 5 story wonder of technical craftsmanship with the turbo silently collecting and shining light out for all to be drawn to it, as indeed this could be nothing less than God in action that I have spoken of.  
My Guide La-Luke comes to me and once more we walk through the Relaxation Park and onto the wheel- less white trolley that whisks us to the now famous Embassy of Peace and in through the backdoor entrance. We then step onto the stage with Ooo-lon awaiting our arrival. Ooo-lon is such a sweet wise Light Being and I am blessed to learn from him and report through these visits.
G: " It is good to see you again. Where is the usual audience?"
O: "Welcome Lady of Light. We get to enjoy each other for a bit... good!"
G:  "Thank you... likewise."
O: "Oh, they are busy in these last moments, with what you would call 'touch-ups' for the City presentation into your world."
G: "Yes, the announcement that this City would appear during Christmas this year was a surprise.  Is this true?"
O: "Why would you be told of such a manifestation if it were not so? Have you not been asking many times when no date could be given...yes of course! If you need validation, this is it! The most popular question has been 'when'?  Well you now have it... Happy Holidays"
G: "Great ! Tell me more. What am I to do in preparation from this point forward?"