Spiritual Farts - Brian Johnson

will's picture

Reverend Michael Beckwith tells us that if we simply study and talk about spiritual truths but never actually LIVE the stuff, we're gonna get spiritual indigestion and constipation.

Spiritual farts.

It's not a pretty thing.


As the good Reverend and countless other teachers tell us, theory is *rudimentary* spirituality.

Practice? Actually LIVING it? That's the advanced stuff.

So, if you have some gas, please quit stinking up the room and start LIVING your truths, will ya?!

Thank you. Amen.

Excerpted from A Philosopher's Notes




miketike's picture

awesome:) love and light to all

  A lot of sounds and pungent

DeSwiss2's picture

  A lot of sounds and pungent ideas, eh? Hahahaha. Right. This is my crux -- living true. I am a work in-progress......

heheheee. :-)

NaGeeTah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

heheheee. :-)

Love NaGeeTah