Stargate opening: The greatest Epoch in human history...

AdiGaia's picture


Mankind at certain times have always stood before immense epochs in their history, where the collective stood before the portals of the next dimensions and then had to either step through this portal, or were left behind.

It was declared that this time round enough Light workers would be activated who could step through those portals, and then bring in those necessary octaves of rising which would allow the New Earth to truly settle in, without outside interference.

A lot of souls therefore, who were highly evolved then volunteered to assist the planet through this new epoch and ensure the full anchoring in and blossoming of the New Golden Age.

The transition phase then has now begun – the phase when the old is making way for the new and therefore now the frequencies and vibrations of the planet are undergoing immense upgrades and with it the upgrading of mankind is simultaneously happening.