Start by Starting

lemme howdt's picture
Something new, something big. Reality just went through the Thyme Tunnel - we are all here in this time at this moment, but in different temporal spaces. As I am eldest younger in an older generation, i personally was able to carry the truth of the prior generation through the myths of my own generation. I have now met the eldest younger of a clan that appears to be in similar form and size to the one that i grew up in, the fractal model is set to the same mathematical base. She also has a status of holding the eldest sun of the following generation - the learning curve can span five generations, if she can be who she is, rather than what other wish to shape her to be.

I went though a review of where the reality of my space-time went after i spun howdt of the space. The whole seven-year cycle has come full circle and i have the opportunity now to go back further in parallel to moving forward. The eye of the needle buried in the haystack has two paths that reach that location - one that takes the one through an enormous journey within the recesses of her/his own mind. The revelation that we control the holograph by the belief and intention that we carry is illustrated in every concept of as above, so below.

The cycles within cycles have limits. There is a level of dominance that plays in the field of a domain governed by only one of those two limits - an oscillator keeping the spiral vortex in constant dynamic equilibrium. To be is to take the sovereign I.AM and apply it to the that each of us are. The artist of the Black Eyed Peas personifies the ideal of what it is to be an individual in the 3D whirled - the models that we have been given to work with are constructed illusions designed to control parameters that require no control. To trust and let go of all that was is totally necessary to climb through the rabbit hole and begin a new Fibonacci series in the 5D Gaian world.

The two limits are intertwined together at small numbers. Chemistry is the field of science that governs small numbers. Group Theory in chemistry uses matrix algebra to define coordinates that constitute an irreducible representation that describes where in space the atoms reside within the group - which is define by geometry. Sacred geometry.

All mathematics of 3D reality has to be closed, by necessity according to the rules of mathematics, as defined by mathematicians based on the number system. Buckminster Fuller and Bob Marshall changed that thinking, but the results never came out through Fuller's work; likely because he personally did not grasp the concept the weigh that Marshall did. Numeronomy is a means of looking at nature through an algorthym where the numbers follow, rather than lead. 

Numbers have quality; they have been used for measuring only quantity for too long a period of time. The New Weigh will necessarily have to follow different theories in different places, because the latitude to travel in space only will be dwarfed by the ability to travel in time or in space and time together.  Since space and time are both entirely constructs that have been designed to set the borders of our frame of reference - stepping out of one or the other is first necessary to get a conception of how the illusion works inside the holograph.

If you are interested in the topic of social permaculture - please attach a note to this blog as a comment. The physical space has materialized such that i cannot provide monetary support for housing, feeding and entertaining: if you can purchase property in the 300-500K range - you have the opportunity to become a ground floor pillar in a Mondragon model that in theory is currently nearing its zero point. We have water and rail, several cottage industry concepts and a potential source of wealth generation in 5D, rather than money generation in 3D. It provides a weigh for 3D to 5D investment and will serve as the first hub of the 16 necessary for the New Weigh Game V3.0 - NWG-V1.0 launched on the first of January and is currently populated by a very small contingent of superbly knowledgeable peeps (NPC), each with a self-directed lifestyle.

Use the Mandala as point of contact. Look toward Avaterra Unschool for models of self-directedness, this Cosmic Yellow Star Kin 207 pledges $20 of non-monetary support per month in thyme - an hour card worth of consulting and connecting - as we each build our intention in cooperative fashion and faze howdt the attachment to the former whirled of 3D time and space.

Namaste' ... lemme/doc