Strange Sounds Heard Worldwide… What Are They?

Essence Ka tha'ras's picture

Greetings Everyone,

Recently on Facebook a friend shared a video about strange noises coming from the sky. From the little bit of research I have done on this, it seems it started to being more often and heard and experienced by more people around the world back in 2011.

Many people tend to think these strange and bizarre sounds are related to HAARP and some form of control by governments. While I will not say this is not true, I will say it is not what resonates most harmoniously with me personally.

I understand the negative potential HAARP holds, but I also understand its positive potential. Like with any other “human” technology the intent is the key to it positive or negative uses. 

The video I am going to share here is one from a Facebook page. I searched Youtube to find it to share this one in particular straight from there, but had no luck locating it. I do hope the person who originally posted it will not be offended. But I found it to be the one offering the most number of instances within a short period of time.

I have not been able to figure out how to embed videos here so I am going to have to ask you to follow the link to the rest of this article and video.

Thank you for your understanding of my limited computer skills! 

Strange Sounds Heard Worldwide..... What Are They?


Blessings from All Realms of Creation 

Essence Ka tha'ras





