Stuck In The System – Corporation USA – 6 July 2012

glr_Andrea's picture

uploaded on 4 July 2012 by44connected.


Thanks to Lucas for Posting


Great Video, if this doesn't wake up nothing will!

WayShower2013's picture

Thank you for the video it was great. I think the best part is how you explained everything. I already knew we are a slaves to the system, I just didn't understand how they did it. This is real eye-opener.

Love and Peace


Guest's picture

Great video. True video.


The reaction is understandable, totally.


The reaction is fine as an initial reaction, but, in order to grow... in order to substantially "move on" even ascend, one should forgive and trust the universe rather than entertain ideas of revenge.


Those who have done this to the world, will have to grow spiritually, will have to face consequences, but we should love them and not wish it on them. They need love as it is obvious that they have lost their sense of love.


Some have participated without realizing what they were really doing.


We are given a great opportunity to grow by choosing to love them and bless them in their rehabilitation. We cannot help but be blessed by choosing this way of Being.


The role they have played was at great risk to themselves and they have fallen deep into the darkness.


Imagine for a second... You had fallen deep into darkness thinking you were having a good time at, admittedly, someone else's expense, but this was a very deep darkness. Wouldn't you want someone to empathize, someone with enough light that they could help you to lift out of the seeming abyss. Total darkness you see, and a little light shining in the distance.


We now have the opportunity, the grand opportunity afforded to us by this 3D experience and allowed by our Creator, to be those who provide some Light to our fallen brothers and sisters who still have a spark of the Divine within, however hidden.


We should now comfort each other, help each other with the pain of some of this Truth so as to bring our natural Good Nature to bear on the situation and eventually find our Joy again.


Let us calm our fears, embrace this apocalypse, and Know our deliverance is at hand.


Yours Truly,


A Friend Among Friends



blazintrails's picture

  I do so agree with you, Friend, well said!!!  But being the Pisces that I am.... I see her side too.  Her feelings for revenge will shortly pass to be replaced with Love and Light, as she continues to assend at her own pace.  This video is a Perfect example of what has been happening already this blessed year of 2012! 


  There is so much 'baggage' that has been attached to us thru all our lives coming up to the surface.  And it Won't take NO for an answer.  I have had to sit (read "spew forth") with some horrible past experiences as a victim and as a victimizer.  ONLY when I was able to forgive myself and be loving and grateful for what that experience taught me, was I able to not need to be right or wrong, guilty or innocient...neutral.  I have to Believe that it will be dealt with, a final reckoning, if you will, by those who are in Higher Positions than me!  


  Those experience have no power over us in the Now moment as we remove the lenses of Dual thinking and balance the power-struggle between Masculine and Feminine....which has already happened.  We must have Patiences, which most of us need to work on, with each other as each one come to their rightful place in love.  Know that I'm holding space in Light and Love for each of you.


So for anyone who is just beginning this Journey, welcome ABOARD!  Fastening your seatbelts, it's gonna be a heck of a Ride!!



light and love,





The Process

Guest's picture

Thanks blazintrails. I can hear the passion and pain of the process she is going through too. I'm glad you expounded on the process, the stages one goes through when being exposed to profound Truth.


The video has a "shock" button, and the Truth can bring shock, anger, etc. We need to let the steam out and move on. It is a myth, however, that all need to express it verbally; I believe you can work or meditate it out of you too and it is well to understand that. I mean that only as a word to those who may take that route. Like you indicate, you sat with it and figured it out. It is jolly good to get "it" out in any event!


The process differs with the individual and, as you know, we have to respect people's decisions as to reactions. I did want to speak my piece after hearing her reaction so others could see a different view in case it would help. We all chime in as this is our Internet, our forum in which to communicate... Our way of being there for each other.


Holding the Space and Holding the Light with You and the All,


A Friend Among Friends

no longer are we stuck in this video's system, once we . . .

YouMa's picture

. . . decide to wake up to what is valuable, loving and who we really are.


The woman speaking does so with unfathomable passion and unequivocal horror, while describing the history which explains so much.  This video will enable many people to begin to wake up to many flawed belief systems which they have adhered to for a lifetime.



We begin with a decision . . . 



And if we decide to not be fearful of what we discover, learning about what this video explains, but to be brave and courageous, then we are opening up a window which allows in fresh air.



Some of the comments already made do speak very wisely.  Once we are able to process this kind of information sufficiently, and we actually learn universal principles upon which a new world of love, understanding, compassion, forgiveness and much more goodness thrives, we thrive.



Those who have committed the crimes against humanity, as detailed to some extent in this video, have a spark of Light and Love at their core.  This may seem impossible, yet it is real.  What an opportunity to expand and grow into greater Beings of Love and Light and Goodness, now exists, due to all that has gone before us.



As we make "having fun, feeling good, being happy" our motto, life brings us face to face with our dreams of good, happy, plenty, sweet, loving . . .



Let's do it NOW and NOW again and then even more NOW again.  Letting go of all the yucky feelings and imaginings.  What outcomes do we want?  :-)  YouMa