Study: ‘Magic Mushrooms’ Can Improve Long Term Psychological Well-Being

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Source: | Original Post Date: November 9, 2014 –


According to John Hopkins of the school of medicine, psychedelic mushrooms or what are commonly known as “magic mushrooms” or “shrooms” may have long-lasting psychological benefits.

The active ingredient in these mushrooms is called psilocybin. If you have experienced it yourself or have heard stories from those that have then you probably already know that it has the ability to trigger intense spiritual states, cause you to hallucinate, laugh uncontrollably, see things in a new light, see energy and patterns amongst everyday things. Yes, these magical mushrooms do have the potentiality to give you a “bad trip,” but part of this study showed that a bad trip pretty much only occurred if given too high of a dose, and even then it was short lived.
