Sweet Potato Greens Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth by 69% by Christina Sarich

Andrea Green's picture

sweet potatoes 263x164 Sweet Potato Greens Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth by 69%A 2011 study has found that sweet potato greens extract (SPGE) may soon become a valuable tool in the fight against cancer. The study found that SPGE not only ‘remarkably inhibited’ the growth and progression of cancer cells, but the administration of SPGE led to absolutely no toxicity, unlike mainstream cancer solutions.

Sweet potato green extract even “perturbed cell cycle progression, reduced clonogenic survival, modulated cell cycle and apoptosis regulatory molecules and induced apoptosis in human prostate cancer PC-3 cells both in vitro and in vivo.”

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/sweet-potato-greens-prostate-cancer-cells-69-percent/#ixzz2jKHBJvm6 

