Think Humanity is F*cked?!? – 5 Facts to Make You an Optimist!

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By Humberto Braga
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Do you think humanity is f*cked?!?

Considering the destructive and unconscious actions of many people around the world, it can be easy to fall in to despair. But I always remind myself of the following facts when I get upset and it always fills me up with an infallible optimism, conviction, love, and purpose. I hope they bring you light when things seem dark, and uplift your spirits when the world gets heavy.

5 Facts to Make You an Optimist!

1) We can’t judge the conscious evolution of humanity based on the stagnancy of those who aren’t interested in consciously evolving.

These “basic” kinds of people have always existed relative to more conscious, educated, and multifaceted people, and there has always been more of them. Evolution by its very definition means the new development, diversity, and complexity of an existing system, so therefore conscious evolution is always going to be determined by a relatively marginalized minority, as it always has.
