Three Ways to Embrace the Mysteries of Life

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“Life is not a problem. To look at it as a problem is to take a wrong step. It is a mystery to be lived. Loved. Experienced.” ~ Osho

While most will agree that the mystery of life and the secrets of the universe are most likely beyond the comprehension of our little human minds, it doesn’t stop us from trying. The hunger for knowledge and the thirst for the ultimate “understanding” can often become insatiable for those of us who have dared to ponder the deeper meanings behind life itself. In our quest for the highest wisdom, the ultimate truth and deepest meaning behind the things that happen to us, we begin to take on the role of a “riddle solver”.

It’s as if we have this spiritual fantasy that once we figure out the deepest secret of the universe then that will be the day that everything in our lives will start to make sense. We will no longer have any problems, have to deal with any difficult emotions, and we will then be able to face our fears head on. Once we solve the riddle, everything will fall into place. So we search.
