Treating High Fevers with Egg Whites, January 21, 2014 By Paula Miller

Andrea Green's picture

Treating High Fevers with Egg Whites | Media nowadays teaches parents that they can help their child by giving aspirin or other fever-reducing medicines in order to "break" a fever. For a mild fever, this can do more harm than good; it suppresses the production of antibodies, which makes the body more hospitable to invaders. But, if your little one's fever is just too high, consider... egg whites. |
My daughter’s fever started out mildly, but gradually her temperature crept toward the 102 degrees Fahrenheit mark. While I cradled her hot head on my shoulder, I browsed online for home remedies that might help. I found one that claimed the fastest way to bring down a dangerously high fever was with egg whites. I bookmarked the page and we continued to monitor her.

When we decided we didn’t want her fever to climb any higher, we pulled a carton of eggs from the refrigerator and proceeded to follow the steps.

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