Unity5D - The True Meat & Dairy

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The true Meat & Dairy

There is no such thing as protein deficiency in America. The belief system which implies that you must eat animal protein to survive is a complete hoax created the criminal bankers and corporations of the world in order to make money off the sick and dying people in America and the rest of the planet. The money lies in pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, hospital visits, and various types of “treatments” that claim to be the only way to help treat or eliminate disease and sickness. If you are already fully aware and conscious, you know that the criminals of this planet, who control almost every aspect of your 3D lives, also control everything you believe to be proper nutrition. To put it simply, if you're someone who takes prescription drugs, someone who eats meat, dairy, GMO foods, non-organic and processed foods, or someone who completely relies on the “health system”, you are the #1 customer and the money maker for the criminal corporations. There is a drug, there is a pill, and there is some kind of treatment for almost every little thing that you can think of.

If you go back 200-300 years ago, there was never the amount of disease and sickness there is today. The corporations have promoted animal products to increase their profits. Osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer were pretty much nonexistent 300 years ago. If you look into nature, you will realize that the animals have all the answers. Lions are carnivores. They eat other animals in the wild because their entire body composition is designed to eat and process the meat. A human’s body is not designed to eat animal products. When we eat meat, it slows down our immune system and our digestion. We take in mostly fats and bacteria in the meat more than we do the protein. Meat and dairy slows the immune system and clogs the arteries and this is exactly why people get sick and then later die. They sabotage their body, the immune system is not supplied with what it needs (proper nutrition) to fully function, and it does not have the ability to do its job, fight disease. The lions in the wild know exactly what they need to eat. They hunt their animals, they don’t cook or process their food, they ingest raw meat which is what that animal was designed for. Humans drink milk from animals for most of their life, yet when you look at animals, they breast feed their young until a certain time/age and then the milk is eliminated from the diet. We are meant to drink our mothers milk for a certain time when we are born. Why would we keep drinking milk all our life, and why would it come from another animal? Why would anyone promote this kind if false advertising? For money? To keep us sick? Gorillas consume parts of at least 97 plant species. About 67% of their diet is fruit, 17% is leaves, seeds and stems. Would you say that a Gorilla is deficient in amino acids (protein)? Gorillas can tear you apart in seconds, not that they would unless you had bad intentions of hurting them. They also don’t do anything to their foods. They don’t spray it with chemicals and pesticides, they eat their food raw, organic, and unprocessed. Wild cows (not a cow that is dwelling in animal farm) are eating organic grass for most of the diet. Cows in no way are deficient in anything as you very well tell by their size. The meat that you consume in America is feed with GMO corn to keep them fat, the cows are not only mistreated and raised like slaves, but they are also injected with toxic chemicals to keep them at a “goods size” and then it ends up on your plate. Humans eat cooked, chemically altered, processed, non-organic foods, and animal products, which we were not designed to eat. Humans are fruitarian by nature. Everything your body will need to function and be healthy is in fruits. Every amino acid, every nutrient you body will ever need is in fruits. I was fruitarian myself for 3 months. In ancient times our ancestors did occasionally hunt animals, but this was only in extreme times of survival. This also doesn't’t mean it is correct. In my opinion I don’t believe that someone can be a fully conscious being, have a love for all life in this universe, and still eat animals, or kill any kind of animals. We are meant to co-exist with these dear beautiful souls. All living things including the rocks, soil, trees, water, air, the animals, stars, planets and the humans are fully conscious beings and have feelings, and emotions just like us. Eating/killing animals certainly tells me that someone is not fully conscious of what exactly they’re doing, and cannot possibly have a true love for them.

Being vegan or raw vegan is the conscious diet. Try to erase all that brainwashing that the criminals of this world have installed into your consciousness. You receive everything your human vessel needs from organic raw fruits and vegetables. The amount of amino acids (protein) that your body ACTUALLY needs is found in all plant based diets. You cannot be deficient in anything as long your eating organic fruits and vegetables. Please to eliminate these false statements from your minds, implanted by these criminals. Also, nuts, seeds and grains have plenty of nutrition to keep you body healthy, although the best way to be is RAW. Being RAW means eating 100% organic living foods, with super high vibrational energy. It lifts your consciousness and awareness almost instantly. I was raw/fruitarian for 3 months but I decided to go back to being vegan and eating cooked foods. It was getting expensive for me to by everything organic, and being fruitarian means you have to ingest a lot of fruit to maintain the calories in your diet. I still maintain about a 70% raw fruits and 30% cooked diet. I would recommend being raw  to anyone who has no problem affording it, because it is a truly amazing experience and will definitely bring you to a higher connection with source energy. Although I don’t believe that eating cooked is absolutely wrong, but I certainly prefer eating living foods. When you cook, you are killing the food, and killing all the enzymes. There is still some nutritional value in cooked foods, but not nearly as much when raw. And of course some foods, like grains, cannot be ingested unless cooked first.

I hope this will open your minds to begin making a transition into a plant based diet.







Eating vegan/raw vegan

Ra-Raela's picture

Hello! I like your post! My kids are raw vegans. They are in Serbia right now, promoting a raw vegan diet. They even came up with their own raw vegan meal plan. You can find them on the internet under "Raw Vegan Love". There may even be some recipes listed. Hope this helps. I joined the "Vegetarian Health Institute", they also have a raw vegan program available, if you are interested. Much love, Ra-Raela