Update from Solara~ ~ FLIPPING IT OVER ~

Lia's picture





When we try to remove a stout pole that is embedded into the earth, we loosen the soil around the base of it, then we rock it back and forth. This is how we are loosening the anchor pins that have kept us stuck into duality. Our entire lives are being rocked from side to side. At times, this may bring up waves of nausea, especially as we get closer to flipping over.


We are continually being knocked from side to side, never knowing when the next upheaval will happen. This creates the loosening of duality. What is amazing is that we're not trying to hold onto anything. We're not grabbing onto the mast or trying to secure ourselves with ropes to our old positions. We don't put up any resistance to being unexpectedly thrown to the opposite side of the ship. We aren't judging what is happening as "Good" or "Bad". We are just letting it happen. When we do this, we discover that we aren't even getting wet.


Sometimes, we are banging against really expired old behaviors that are now becoming magnified and greatly distorted. This is happening with great intensity so that we can finally be propelled away from them into new, truer parts of our beings. This rocking back and forth can be extremely exhausting, exciting, disturbing and exhilarating, but it's never dull. It's never what we expect. It can't be prepared for, but it's highly effective in flipping us over into an entirely new reality.


When our internal and external worlds are in the midst of an Ultra Perfect Storm and when the ship of our life is wildly rocking back and forth, we can't predict what will happen next. We simply do our best to remain True and Real while embodying PURE TRUE LOVE, no matter what is happening. When our outer equilibrium is gyrating wildly, it's essential to find our internal fulcrum and align ourselves in that position. The fulcrum is the centerpoint of our equilibrium. In a ship, it's a virtual point that is the centerpoint for the swaying. Once we align ourselves with our internal fulcrum, everything revolves around our inner stability and Trueness and we remain in the Eye of the Storm, the Centerpoint of the Expanded HERE and NOW.


Our internal fulcrum is the place from which we will be the least affected by the flip-flopping motion that we are experiencing. It keeps our equilibrium in balance. And it is this rocking back and forth, this flip-flopping, that reveals to us the location of our internal fulcrum. The fulcrum is always there, but we only become aware of it when there is unpredictable rocking. It is also the only point that stays the same after we flip over.


When things flip over, reality systems turn upside down. Old behaviors and belief systems collapse. What was invisible becomes visible and some of what was visible now becomes invisible. A whole new world opens up before us. The entire composition of what surrounds of us changes dramatically. We don't lose our Zone of Familiarity; we still have one, but it moves to a place where it's never been before. If we try to look for it in its old position, we might think that it is gone, but it has simply moved to a new location.


During the flip over, we don't just see the opposite side of what was there before. It's not like flipping a coin and going from Heads to Tails. Instead, we now see both sides at the same time. As this happens, a completely new reality is revealed that is infinitely vaster than our old worlds. It encompasses the Maps of the Known and Maps of the Unknown. We enter the territory of the Diamond of the Unseen.


As the flipping over unpins us from our old reality, we have to start new and fresh. The emergence of an infinitely vaster reality gives a completeness to our landscape and to our lives that wasn't there before. As we move into the expanded realm of the Diamond of the Unseen, a new natural elegance emerges. We calm down noticeably as we fully align with our Heart's Knowingness that ALL IS WELL.


Many situations will flip over between now and the end of the year. As they do, increasing numbers of elements will click into position. This will continue to get stronger until the completion of the Eleventh Gate Activation on November 22nd of this year, when the Diamond of the Unseen becomes fully visible.


Solara's complete AUGUST 2012 Surf Report and Weekly Updates are available by subscription in English, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

We are far more free than we allow ourselves to be!
