Yojman's picture


*** Here's the UPDATE, http://talkingpointsmemo.com/


Here's THE EXAMINER  as of Sat 11am EDT ((the other 2 on target ones see /know the same.




Thank You, oh Light of God that always prevails, and is NOT to fail.


just say Hell No to Obama

Justicar 11's picture


your e-mail

Guest's picture

You are on the wrong site.

Then riddle me this, for a

Justicar 11's picture

Then riddle me this, for a people so into being so into love and open mindedness how can you believe anything about this man as positive when he has repeatedly shown his socialist colors, and his intentions to enslave and ruin all that we have fought for. I am one for light, in ways most only talk about yet these two candidates scream "Wrong for Our Country!" I too am  tired of the Dark Reign of Terror No More War Enough already.

Ok. Cool down. Whoever wins

kabniel's picture


Cool down.

Whoever wins this election,

you lose.

These two candidates are  owned by the US Corporation.

The winner is not here to serve you.

The winner is here to implement the NWO

mandate to cull 80% of the population by hook

and by crook.


We are at the point of no return.


Time to disconnect.


Those who are fascinated by Obummer,

Allow them.


Stay neutral.


If you want to be delivered from  this Evil,






Make your Spirit your close , intimate ally.

Your Spirit is the only WAY, the only LIGHT for you,

and the only TRUTH.   Your Spirit will pave the way.


Make the sign of the cosmic cross, the Light of a Thousand Suns

everytime you think of Obummer, everytime you are being targeted by this

energy. It has the power to disconnect you .   ( in healing, we use similar

technique to disconnect from the energy of the patient)


Love and Peace to you always,



Guest Fritz's picture

Would someone kindly state what good Obama has done since he's been in Office,other than drive us to a one world,U.N. controlled world.

Here You Have it

Yojman's picture

I understand some folks have strong feelings about one issue or another.  But let's instead talk about some of the things Obama was able to accomplish in spite of the Republicans. 


1.  He ended the war in Iraq.

2.  He signed the Lily Ledbetter Act, equal pay for women.

3.  He repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell, allowing gays to serve openly in the military.

4.  He ended media blackout on war casualties and the return of fallen soldiers.

5.  He removed restrictions on stem cell research.

6.  He rescued the Auto Industry.

7.  He ended the US policy of torture.

8.  He gave our troops better body armor.

9.  Under his watch the Navy Seals rescued a Captain held by the Somali pirates and eliminated Osama Bin Ladin.

10.  Closed offshore tax safe havens.

11.  Instituted the AMA, or Obamacare, originally designed by Romney and working well today in Mass.  Last night we noted that Romney said he will keep several parts of Obamacare if he is elected, such as pre-existing conditions and insurance for children up to 26.  (By the by, Romney lied.)

12.  Appointed first Latina to the Supreme Court.

13.  Passed legislation to curb greenhouse gases and improve the environment.

14.  He passed significant increases in funding and scholarships, making college more accessible to students.

15.  President Obama signed the START nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia.


I could go on and on, but you can find these things out for yourself on the internet.


Obama loves this country and the people in it.  His actions speak loudly for where his thoughts are.  It is not realistic to expect he will do everything as quickly as we would like or even do everything we want him to do.



Don't forget he also opposed

will's picture

Don't forget he also opposed SOPA and PIPA, both of which were a threat to websites like this one and free speech on the Internet as a whole. He also recently told Israel he would not help them attack Iran, and he's be downscaling the military training programs with Israel too.

I wonder if the people who don't believe he's done any good are just ignoring what he's done, or are very poorly informed.

Indeed , And...

Yojman's picture

I've been wondering that same Q myself recently. No doubt the effluvia and the numbing effects of that cloud are more than I can fathom or something...

cheers mate ! 

Thank you Yoj

Guest's picture


   Thank you Yoj, for your summary of some of the things that Obama has done!  He also signed legislation to stop credit card companies from running up interest rates exhorbitantly., and as you pointed out, much more.  Obam care is not perfect ....but he made progress towards more healthcare for all, and it's a start!  ALL other civilized countries have universal healthcare for their citizens....they support their citizens, not outrageous wars, as we have been under the Bush regimes and earlier regimes of warmongers.


    I also perceive clearly that Obama is of true good intent for all people and our country.  I am sorry for those that apperently can not see or feel it. 


    He has also, from the very beginning of his presidency, asked for non partisan cooperation to lead our country to a better place.  The party of the Republicans, in Congress and the Senate, declared a war on Obama and his presidency and totally refused to cooperate on ANYTHING.  No matter what he proposed they were going to and did oppose it.  In spite of that he has kept his dignity and his committment, as well as a sense of humor, but you can see it has worn on him....


    For those that are of the light, and can perceive authentic light from others, it can be seen that Obama is working on helping us move this country and the people in a much better direction.  (see accomplishments listed!) 


    For those filled with hate, I suppose you only see what is coming from within and support who??? Someone who would take away workers rights, women's rights, remove the minuimum wage, take away Social Seccurity and Medicare as we know it, and which we have paid for out of each and every paycheck you earn, someone who is an elitest and supports the elites who would ship all our jobs overseas to make more obscene profits by paying lower wages,  something which is killing our jobs and the middle class, INCREASE OUR DEBT by increasing military spending, while keeping tax breaks we can not afford  ....and Mitt Romney wants to increase our military budget --we waste more money on that than any other thing....and he wants more!!  Sheer insanity!   


   This site is about bringing LOVE, and all it's components back to planet Earth....love for all beings....


    So please, take your hatred elsewhere, or go within and find how you can clear it away.... it must be destroying you from the inside.... is clearly apparent to those of us here wanting to have a peaceful, harmonious world, at long last!

Your Love

Yojman's picture

,,,, the Love and Its Intelligence (which in "fact" is the greatest Intelligence in all the Universes) is the same Love and Intelligence that is beating your Heart. I can Fell it. The Wisdom you expose to us here is the Wisdom the whole population needs, wants and is coming Home to. I thank you for inspire - ing me.


astreia's picture

Trolling, trolling,

out on the ocean blue,

you may come with me but I

will not go with you.


it appears that you and

Guest's picture

it appears that you and Justin have found each other and can stop your own group. This group believes that we are co-creators and refuse to envision the worlds that you two envision. The future is based on LOVE and it doesn't seem that is your agenda.

Good luck to you.


To guest

phylpau29's picture

Thank you for posting.  This site is for the highest and best.  Those that want to call the President of the United States nasty names should go elsewhere.



phylpau29's picture

Your stupidity is showing.


This is not the site for your

Anne's picture

This is not the site for your hate-based, race-based ideologies. Take it somewhere else.  It is not wanted on this site.  Visit Rush Limbaugh.  You sound just like him.


the election

Göran's picture

I wish very much that Barack Obama will win the election. But how can you write this now many days before election. Every thing that is said will happen is not happening, because you reinterpret everything so you can say you are right. But how will you reinterpret this if Obama lose. Will you say that he won in another world

This is the Question

Yojman's picture

Thank you for this straight up direct Q. First, I/we can say this four days before the Tuesday Vote because all of the math and variable math has already been done, and IS done. 2) No, if he "loses the election" I will, as iI always do, poke fun at myself ; call myself a bone-head , and admit that I was deceived. // Wrong // or all the above. AND the "you reinteturpet everything" (tho I know what your pointing to,)  obviously does not apply to me. ~ Yoj Chase 1209 Lasen Lane, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 ~ ask any of my friends or associates they'll tell you.