Visionkeeper – Offer Your Love And Light To Everything – 10 August 2012

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Visionkeeper – Offer Your Love And Light To Everything – 10 August 2012

(Picture by

Wherever we go, whomever we meet, whatever we do, let us share our love and light as we go through life. You never know when someone may really need it. A smile, a handshake, just taking five minutes of your time to listen to someone else. We have lived very isolated and self centered lives and sharing ourselves with others often times is not something we think about doing. We have been closed off and protective of our privacy so long now we have forgotten how to remain open and welcoming to others. Now is the time to revisit our abilities to be open to others. Making an effort to smile at someone, hold a door for someone, speak to someone, comfort someone all are keys to opening our hearts and finding refuge there. If we open our hearts to others they in turn will hopefully open their hearts to others as well. Once we begin to understand how we make others feel by offering ourselves to them, the more we want to do it, as will others. If we make others feel good we feel good.

The world suffers from a closed heart in general. The majority of people it seems suffer from one form of dysfunction or another as a result of a dysfunctional upbringing. Society has lost its moral compass, many have been raised and raised our own families, from very dysfunctional roots. Many are dealing with issues of their egos that create judgment and put up walls. Seems like the world has been closed off to love and sharing for a very long time. The sad fact is, how are people supposed know how to open up their hearts if they haven’t done so before in their lifetime? I think this is why we must all set an example of opening our hearts and offering compassion, we can all learn by example.

Giving to others makes you feel so good, especially when you can see it make a difference in their life. Just doing for ourselves holds so little joy. For years we all bought into the fallacy that things would fill us up and make life happy. We withdrew within ourselves and began acquiring whatever it was we thought would make life better. We stopped thinking of others and what they may need or desire. The selfishness of these acts began to leave us empty within. The emptiness only grew and never seemed to go away. We are learning slowly and coming to our senses thank goodness.

We must not overlook the animal world as well. We all need validation and to know we are cared about, animals as well. The cat in the picture above looks like a stray to me and having the music played for him seems to have his attention. Such a small offering but perhaps the only one that cat has gotten for a while. Our country is filled with overstuffed animal shelters of unwanted animals.How have we allowed this to happen? Animal abuse is rampant as well. So many see animals as less than, their lives having very little worth. How did we come to believe this fallacy? We are all of the same spirit, one is not better than the other, we are all equal. These are lies we must get beyond to become whole again.

We all want to see change in the world and the most amazing thing about it is the fact the answer is free to all of us. Love will change the world if we can just get the world to wake up and understand this. We must be the example for all to see. I often say we learn by example, so it is up to us to act with love, think through love, and treat others with love. It astounds me that so many are clueless as to how to be love because of the dark programming we have all been subjected to as a way to divide us. We have much work to do to overwrite this programming. We must rediscover how to open our hearts, to live from our hearts, which essentially is living an aware life, being mindful of our thoughts and actions towards others and striving to be our best and loving selves. Our time has come! Let us go forth and be love so that others may see and do the same.

Blessings to you all,

Visionkeeper link to original article

