Visionkeeper - Are We Really Shifting?

MomT's picture

One World Rising Posted on

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If one spends a few moments reading their way around the internet lately, one has to wonder if we have progressed as far as we think we have. Reading everybody’s articles about being a light worker or not and all the follow-up articles in response to that article, well. Quite frankly it made me feel less sure we have progressed as far as I thought we had. To me it looked like a lot of three D thinking still going on. If we’re supposedly in five D, there are no labels to live under. We are who we are, we think like we choose to think, we act accordingly and hopefully it is motivated from a space of love and caring. Light worker, dark worker are merely names that hold no importance in the world we are trying to create. To give such names recognition is to say we are still peeking out through the web of duality in a 3D mindset. We are nothing more than  human beings in the evolutionary process of ascension to a higher dimension or higher consciousness if you will. We are all doing it, we are all moving forward into a new way of being and if we aren’t it’s because we choose to remain in the horrid illusions of 3D. We seem to continually forget our destination of ‘Oneness’ and so often slide back into our old ways of labels which do nothing but divide the people.

How can one look at the world as being all one if we are seeing it in terms of light and dark, good or bad, right or wrong? The world just is as it is. We are all journeying together as one massive family to hopefully a better way of life. We are all working on ourselves within and raising our consciousness and trying to live our lives through our hearts. Yes there are dark forces doing evil and there are light forces doing good things, but in reality they are all just human beings in different stages of ascending to higher consciousness. We have all stood in the shoes of the “dark ones” at one time in our lives only now we have evolved into higher consciousness and treat life with love and respect. The dark ones as they are so often referred to will climb the light ladder as well and one day be standing in our shoes we wear today. We are just looking at ourselves in different stages of being. At times I use the word dark ones just as a way to reference those doing the evil deeds right now when speaking about them, but I try not to carry that further to think of it as a label stuck on someone’s forehead.

We have learned enough about the truth of the world now to know that the age-old trick of division is one we best avoid at all costs and stay strongly united. Light and dark are no different from black or white, rich or poor, Christian or Jew. They are all just names aimed to keep a wedge driven between humanity to weaken our abilities. It is all old school, 3D thinking and needs to be left behind as we all join hands and see each other as brothers and sisters walking the same path together to the new world. We need each other and labels that divide us all into groups are detrimental to our journey. I do not mean to fault in any way anyone’s articles they write or feelings they feel, to each his own. What I write here is merely my own personal observations of life. That is the beauty of being free to be. All I have to say is, God bless poor Rodney King when he said quite eloquently “Can’t we all just get along?”

Blessings to us all,






Well said!

GaeaIlona's picture

We are all One, and all on diffenent "rungs of the ascenion ladder". If it were not for "the dark" energies at work, this magnificent shift could not be possible! Do I still have "dark energy" that I carry, absolutely YES, am I fully there yet, absolutey NO, but I am surely on my way <3

Love and Peaceful Vibe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>


♥ truth

youngmoonchild's picture

Yes, this is best thought-form, see each other as pillars of light, not different. ♥



nubia-solia's picture

My sentiment exactly.  


Struck a Chord

Earthchic's picture

THANK YOU, Visionkeeper, for stating so succinctly and beautifully that which is so obvious and put it in such a way that really struck a chord in me!

As I was commenting earlier today on a Facebook post, I wrote about how "the dark is loosing its power over the Earth and the LIGHT is winning!"

And now.....after reading your message.....I had such a realization that I am not helping to awaken anyone by dividing "LIGHT/dark, GOOD/bad, power vrs. The rest of us"!  There IS NO "rest of us"!


Thank you again, with my whole Heart!  I LOVE learning!

In LOVE, LIGHT and Service to ALL,



gaiasdaughter's picture

I totally agree ..."Can't we all just get along?"  EXACTLY.  I want the best for you, me, and the world.  And my cat.