The Walls we Face

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The Walls we Face



JULY 13, 2012


There are three ways we all arrive at the decisions we make. It is either through our mind, our heart or from deep down in the stomach. When you hear something or read something, there are three ways to come to a conclusion on whether you heard or read the truth or not.

Inside all of us is the ability to feel the truth! I am not talking about intuition or psychic energy I am referring to what people call their gut feeling.

The very sad thing is we are bombarded with billions of lies, suppression and manipulation, that makes it very difficult for the mind to interpret the truth. In the end we don’t know who to trust or what to believe.

The heart is a very beautiful place to make decisions from, one of love and abundance yet, unfortunately this too, can be deceiving.

I think many of us have experienced one or more times, a really strong feeling of a knowing deep down in the stomach. Very similar to the way a young mother knows her baby and how to care for it.

I ask you to tune into this area, and tell yourself what the truth is and who to trust. Do not rely on others to tell you something you can feel yourself.

Unity among all will be found simply because deep down in all of us we all feel the truth. It is up to us to join together and help one another; not be caught in all the lies and confusion of manipulation that surrounds us.

Love and light, Ian Scott*

