Weird Crazees

lemme howdt's picture
Blue Self-Existent Storm : Mass Loving

By the weigh doc talks, you would think that he hates everything. The inanimate objects of life take much verbal abuse, because they do not respond back when doc chastises them. Doc is annoyed at the computer cords today - the alternate keyboard cord has tangled and got under the keyboard itself, so typing was bouncing and there is just too much shit on the table. Doc needs his own place to work, that is coming very soon. 

Peeps have to be dealt with more gently that computers and cords. Peeps get easily confused by what doc says and misinterpret his ramblings to be about them and take offense. Thus doc has to meter what he says and be careful to avoid buzz words - because peeps only hear the buzzword and then lose their ability to listen. When you spend your time thinking about how to respond to a buzzword rather than listening, you miss the real point of the verbiage. Words have meaning, but when peeps don't listen and understand the words, the meaning is lost and the dialogue becomes nonsense.

Active listening is a learned skill. Doc has found that few people say what they mean, because they don't follow through their own train of thought. The result is that people who have group think ability and fit in to the society at large do not resonate on doc's wavelength. Doc needs weird crazee people to get along. It is partly a function of Asberger's Syndrome and partially a matter of stubbornness.

Doc is a chemist playing with sociology. He has no real grasp of biology or psychology. He says what he thinks and shoots from the hip. He confides in everyone and no one - honesty is the policy because he can't remember what he said to who, so he stays consistent in what he is, because he thinks in doc world. But his closest confidants are people who are as crazee as doc is, because they all tend to speak their own truths.

The education system is about indoctrination, rather than learning. The inconsistency of the information is ignored as rote memorization is rewarded. The ability to follow the rules is demonstrated by social interaction - the people that play the game exclude all the difficult people. Those who don't even know there is a game going on are living in their own Truman Show and act oblivious to the flow of the societal stream.  These folks are my folks - the weird crazees that inhabit the worlds created in their own minds.

To whit, the old system is now howdt of hand. The difficult people, have no real inkling of what is going on in that whirled because the real world is not connected to the 'merikn myth. We grok the concept of 'on our own' and believe in what we see, as framed against what we know. And we know that the house of cards is stacked against living in unreality, yet that seems to be just where the current lame stream delusion arrives.

So ... doc needs to write. Lemme has taken on the writing work-load while doc structures the two immediate books that need attention. The publishing of the new weigh has to take a back seat - the money generation did not occur because there is no real economy in the exchanges going on that involve FRNs. It is just the excessive cost of doing business that keeps everything in the status quo - as the rats churn their wheels and get more pissed off at the weird crazees of the world who are free of the chains that they bind themselves with.

Local economics is where the whole juncture will be, as the road winds down. Frost described the path less taken; doc found that path and wandered through, looking for the eye of the storm in the eye of the needle in the proverbial haystack that leads to the clinch of the hourglass, where you drop through alone, once. To take the journey and get back to where you once belonged was jojo's quest - each of us will have to learn that alone is not to be feared and we are responsible for our own self at all times. 

If we cannot love the person who we are, then we have to change in order to have the proper relationship with the person responsible for caring for us. Otherwise, you become dependent and are not really a sovereign individual. I read a book about Gurdjieff over the past two days, to find that somebody else brought him up in the discussion yesterday. Walter Russell and Victor Schauberger are also prominent characters and Tesla is the new poster boy. Why is it that our science texts make no mention of any of these folks, except to deride them?

To go into fractals with Mendlebrot was a real joy for doc. Sacred geometry has been the basis of understanding that presupposes mathematical geometry and builds via the use of symmetry and structure. To look at art as a form of expression, requires us to imply meaning from the symbolism. The weigh is designed to allow each of us to walk a path, to design a new civilization based upon walking the walk and learning about how we do the things we do. 

Things that once worked, are no longer necessarily valid in this fractal that surpassed the fractal that was. That Fibonacci governs the fractal realm is not a truth - it only provides a limit to growth in a certain set of spheres - there is a second limit that borders the other side of numbers. When numbers get excessively large, the golden mean exceeds the value of the doubling function, and that takes over as the limit to organic growth. That we as chemists deal with very small whole number ratios in the formation of molecules with atoms, provides a gateway for vision of truth. This happens because we can see real in different forms - it is not how we got there, but rather that we did all get there.

There will be 16 civilization possibilities for sovereign entities to join the game - yet that overlay will not begin until the first phase of the game is collated. The beginning has to be evaluated in terms of the Treei status - the start rate is dependent upon the initial conditions and the set hasn't been set yet. Though in reality it has, via intention. Doc has journals to data mine and miles to go before he sleeps.

Namaste' ... lemme

PS - the thyme machine brings you records of the past. Thank you anonymous back surfer.