Words from Source

AAKURNZ's picture
GFL/Dark ones are one in the same for anybeing other than that places themselfs between us and source is not for the greater good by acting as a third party. For there is no need to listen to messeges as it promotes a psuedoreligious pop spirituality,when we are more than capable of achieving a desired level of consciousness and awareness all on our own. I do know our DNA is part alien and some of us have had past incarnations as ones ,but these memories ond perceptions of so-called channeling is one of either two things the 1st a mere attemp at persons seeking to inflate Ego by appointing them self as more spiritualy developed than most to recieve such messeges or two mistaken idenitiy trying to put our higher self into a physical format to make it intelectual rational when such experinces are nesserarly those of extraterestials but communication with our other dimional self/source i.e the infinite Oneness that flows through all and orginates with what the mainstream refers to as God