You are a vibrational match to what you desire (The Annex Journals)

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(Channeled Message) 

Good Morning, we believe you are wanting as you always have been since the day you came into this physical reality. We can now speak to you about the events that surround this feeling in which you find yourself today. (In your terms anyway). We would like to agree with you in the way that we believe that you are on the brink of crossing into a new way of thinking. we know that you have been putting things into your vortex keeping you content with everything that feels good to you. it is no coincidence that you are here seeking answers for the purpose of expansion. are you aware that the things that you put into your vortex are the things that already make up who you are ? everything that is wonderful to you in this world is you. you in many ways are experiencing yourself in new ways. and there are many things that you have not yet began to imagine or experience. before you came into this physical body you were a soul as you know already no doubt. you were an extremely powerful beacon of light constantly in motion moving faster beyond anything you can comprehend. and there were other beings in which you yourself correlated with. attached to if you will. and out of that you chose to experience your relationship to them and to yourself in an entirely different way. and thus you projected yourself into a physical form out here on this leading edge of thought. this is itself a choice that you alone have made. we agree that this is one of the many creative ways to project self on to the soul and vice versa. as you sit here channeling us through your soul you can sense truth in this. because it is your soul who agrees as well. we are after all the same as you. and we experience this reality as many others simultaneously. your choice does not hinder your soul in anyway. your soul is forever growing forever creating and above all forever in motion to learn what it feels that needs to be learned and there are no mistakes that it can make. being here by accident or in your terms having an accident is nonexistence. everything is on purpose because it is what you have created for yourself to experience it. whether it is conscious or not it is a choice that you make. we just want you to see that you are able to make conscious choices rather than unconscious ones because we want you to experience yourself at the highest vibration you can. you don't need to do any extra effort to achieve conscious decisions. all it takes is a level of awareness. take in your surroundings and observe your feelings and let them take you where you need to be. "That is a very difficult thing to do", you say. but we say it is not because we know that when you hold something in it's purest form in it's purest vibration in your minds eye, you can receive it in your hands. Negative affirmations such as the one offered are not very accurate ones. you are telling yourself a very limited story. we have seen what you want we have seen what is to come and we know that there are many beautiful things in which you have made part of you. we love what you have put there in your vortex and we know that you are beautiful because of what you have put there. thoughts about loss and less will only result in losing more than what you have. do not linger in sorrow because there is nothing to be sorrowful for.  this life is a joyous one. when this trance is over we will focus our energies for a positive day tomorrow and you will wake up loving this reality more. we hold great love here for you and we send it with our greatest appreciation for you. we can send you feelings of love at all times. just focus on the love and higher vibrations that you can think of and imagine them there with you. what you will find almost immediately is a sigh of relief no more stress no more worrying about the circumstances that surround your present situation. you will remember that this is just a temporary vibration and it will pass. and what is never a temporary vibration is the one that you naturally vibrate. everyone on this planet's natural vibration is one that we ourselves vibrate. it's a high vibration. don't you love knowing that? let the worry wash away and don't lose the connection with source / your vortex / and all the things you put inside of it. there is great love here for you always and don't lose yourself ever. you are great, you are loved, and you are a deliberate creator in this universe. and there is nothing that can change that. we bid you a farewell my friend and we will forever remain in your vortex in constant and deliberate creation. 


