You have everything you need!

Blue Diamon's picture

I once asked Jesus to help me overcome the difficulties I was experiencing at that time and He said to me “I have given you everything you need.” I was then guided to reading The Christ Letters but my human consciousness prevented me from studying them and absorbing their invaluable meaning into my life at that time. I took the proverbial ‘long road’ unfortunately and caused myself further suffering which I may have  been able to avoid had I just read His letters!

Recently I was reminded to read His Letters, and indeed, we have been given everything we need!

Why do we allow our human consciousness to keep us in our shadows? Is it because we’re afraid to take responsibility for ourselves? Is it because we’re afraid of knowing what else is out there that we cannot see or comprehend? Perhaps it’s a little of both. Perhaps, if we will allow ourselves to just sit with an open mind and let ourselves just BE in a place of serenity, the answers will become clear. It is all simple really. It is our human consciousness that complicates our lives for sure and causes us untold pain and suffering.

The fact is we are ALWAYS connected to our DIVINE SOURCE – THE LIGHT within us is EVER PRESENT. IT does not come and go, IT stays with us through thick and thin. Why not just believe? Why not just have faith and trust that we are connected to this INFINITE SOURCE OF PERFECT LOVE that is our supply of ALL THINGS – whether it BE health, wealth, joy, happiness? As Jesus says, it is all our thoughts and feelings which are CONTRARY to this DIVINE and PERFECT LOVE that prevents THE LIGHT from working within us and which causes our lack and our sickness.

“When you are constructing good in your mind and in your thoughts, good will be the harvest of your sowing. Not only this, you are bringing your mind into harmony and attunement with THE LIGHT OF PERFECT LOVE. Under these conditions The Light can do IT’s perfect LOVE WORK in you.”

He goes on to say:

“When I had finished speaking the people brought their sick to me, and according to their faith were they healed.”

This simple truth brings tears to my eyes… so much suffering can be avoided if only people believed in themselves and in their Source of Being.

Believe in the power of Faith and trust your Source energy – the energy that CREATED YOU – the energy that powers your BEing – that breathes air into your lungs and pumps the blood in your veins. The POWERFUL SOURCE that GAVE YOU LIFE also gives you ALL THAT YOU NEED.

If only…. you will BELIEVE IT.

Have a wonderful SUN filled day Beloveds! We LOVE you!


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