~Your deep dive into the power zone began today~

Lia's picture
It's been over 14 hours now since  the Cosmic Messenger turned his back on the surface of your life and took a deep, slow dive far beneath.  For the next three weeks,  Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio, the most intense and transformative part of the sky.  For the rest of your life,  you won't experience a Mercury retrograde like this. Here's why.  

Between now and November 10, Mercury will merge his keen and sensitive vibrations with some of the most potent energies in our solar system -- and beyond, including:


  • The potent midpoint between two of the most creative points in the Universe, the Centers of the Milky Way Galaxy and the massive Virgo SuperCluster.  Earlier in the same day that he taps the combined energy of the two most powerful black holes in the Universe, the Messenger aligns with Saturn.  You'll have a check-in with the structures of reality as we know it in the morning, and move on to tap the combined cosmic power that generates stars and galaxies in the afternoon. That's October 29.  You might want to make a note of it.


  • Our Sun,  who will illuminate the Messenger with radiant star power on November 1.  On this, the very day of the 4th of Uranus' and Pluto's 7 world-changing  squares, your perceptions will be shaped by our Star's transformational intent.


  • Our evolutionary GPS, the Moon's North Node, on November 3.  Mark this day on your calendar, because it is likely to bring a "message from the future"!

Mercury's retrograde transits are always big because the Messenger has a hand in nearly every part of our lives.  He's with us when we perceive and communicate reality, when we do business and when we travel. A great trickster, he has a hand in our mishaps as well as our luck. He's the patron of inventions and healing, and he brings our dreams.  In the ancient world, he shared temples with Venus, the great goddess of Love.   

From the beginning of  this vision quest to the end, the Cosmos is making the space you need to understand, at a very deep level, what needs to change, within you and around you.  Each of the next three weeks brings key dates to keep in mind.   The two most potent days just ahead are:
Wednesday, October 23 - The Sun enters Scorpio -- and the Moon is Void of Course from 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 22 until just before midnight (EDT) on the 23rd.  

Friday, October 25 - The Scorpio Sun will trine Neptune in Pisces, with the Moon Void of Course until 12:13 p.m.

On both of these days, it's likely to be very challenging to conduct "business as usual."  Try and keep your schedule as open as possible,  and focused on routine activities if you can't make space for meditative or creative work.   

No matter what you're doing on the outer levels, here's where you need to focus on the inner.  Consider the following list your 5-Point Mercury Retrograde Power Strategy:

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1. Slow down.  What's happening within you -- and within us all -- is big.  It's unfolding at the deepest levels.  There's just no way you can process it if you're going nonstop.  Do whatever you can to free up unscheduled time.  

2.   Go deep.  Then go deeper.   Journal. Remember. Get to the root.  Find what really hurts you.  Discover what really matters, and what it is you really want.  

3.   Forgive the past.  If you're doing your Scorpio retrograde work well, you're going to uncover a lot of betrayal and pain.  That's where the power is!  To release it, you need to get as close to forgiving as you can.  As the Buddha is said to have observed, holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else.  That's goes triple when the Sun and Saturn are joined by retrograde Mercury in Scorpio!
4. Cherish yourself.  Watch your self-talk. Be gentle, not punishing.  Pay attention to your desire.  Not what you think you should want  Not what anyone else says you should want.  What you really, truly want.
5. Finish what’s undone.  Use your energy there, and on revising, repairing, and remembering.  You're being rewired.  Everything is.  When it's done, you'll have a much better sense of what is worth starting, and why, and how.

May the days ahead be rich with blessings and  breakthroughs for you!

Love and blessings,

Star Sister
(aka Marcia)


