THAT STUCK FEELING (and what to do with it)~ Indian IN the Machine

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THAT STUCK FEELING (and what to do with it)

Breaking the customs within, that encourage a heartless existence. 


Dear world,

The reason humans experience so much discomfort with self and each other is due to heartlessness.

The media encourages egoness… and thus people have “thunk” that to be in ego would bring comfort.

The ego can never bring true comfort… each comfort that the ego attracts is an illusion to true comfort.

True comfort at the “entire being” level can only be felt through the heart.

When in ego, the being is fragmented, and perpetually uncomfortable and believes that seeking material gain will bring comfort.

True comfort at the being level is not found in the physical world.

True comfort at the being level amounts to being fully present for your own presence.

Lucas – Love The Greatest Gift Of All – Energy Of Oneness

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Lucas – Love The Greatest Gift Of All – Energy Of Oneness – 30 September 2012

I am grateful I have found so much love surrounding me. It is bringing all there is into light and  full understanding. There is no secret anymore as all is already revealed. It is, just see it. Love is what you think of as  magical and mystic but it is really the biggest gift of all you ever dreamed of receiving. It is already in your possession.

You can feel the power in seeing love in those just being your mirror. You can feel love in all that is not loving as it is just also a lesson of love. You can see love in just being love and being you. It is enough to be. Love expects nothing, it is unconditional.  Love will even overcome the grandest fear and ego that is blocking your path.

10-1-12…Corner is Turned…Enjoy this Ride

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10-1-12…Corner is Turned…Enjoy this Ride


10-1-12 corner is turned. Intentions held in alignment with 5D Gaia portals and connecting grids will not be delayed. And appear in the moment of held intention.

We ask care in aligning Higher Individual Hue-man Self with New Paradigm Gaia pattern of unfoldment.

The 10-1 portends massive transformation for Gaia and Children. Both of the internal and apparent external. Such rests upon combined intentions of all.

Grids are energized sufficiently in Higher D aspects for such transformations to begin.

Enjoy this ride.

The Golden Age Daily ~ Fourth Quarter Game~Plan ~ This One’s In The Books!

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The Golden Age Daily
There are just under three months remaining until we reach the much prophesied and prepared for date of 21 December 2012.
For many, it has seemed as though this approaching Divine Celestial Moment would never arrive but Spirit has ever so Lovingly and un-invasively nudged us forward.
Every thought, word, and deed of Lightworker upon Lightworker is becoming manifest, shaping our Reality into the New Earth, The Golden Age of which we have so long been promised.

One need only go within for a few brief moments to feel the certainty surrounding our arrival in our New Home. As sports announcers often say going into the fourth quarter of a game with a clear winner…this one’s in the books!”

Sacred Full Moon Meditation

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–If at all possible for this healing meditation, allow yourself to stand or sit barefoot upon the earth in a quiet place bathing yourself directly in the light of the full moon. You may even want to do this meditation with a group of likeminded friends. This is a powerful opportunity to trigger an ongoing purification process of body, mind, emotions and spirit and of Mother Earth and for letting go of all that no longer serves you.

If you cannot do this meditation physically under the light of the full moon, then just imagine with all your senses what it would feel like if you were standing bathed in the light of the full moon.

Ann Albers ~ A Message From Ann And The Angels ~

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My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Breathe for a minute. Ask us to fill you with peace and balance in your lives. You can have peace in a world that is filled with chaos. You can remain calm when others are not. You can find your own sacred point of view while allowing others their own as well. The major cause of unrest on your planet among human beings is the mistaken notion that there must be agreement among you. In reality nothing could be farther from the truth. What all of you are really seeking is not agreement, but acceptance. There is a vast world of difference between the two.

Agreement means another must adopt the same perspective as you. And yet, this is not always possible dear ones. Others have walked in different shoes, as you say. They have had different experiences of life, formed different conclusions, dream different dreams. It is not always possible for two human beings to remain in their own integrity and agree with one another. However, there can always be love and acceptance.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ 30 September 2012

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Beloved Ones,

A great many of you are experiencing fear in ways that did not bother you before. Know that you are picking up on the fears of the mass consciousness field and that you have control over your mind and your thoughts. At such moments all you have to do is remember that you are always surrounded by a legion of Angels. There is no place upon this Planet that you walk alone. As you have trodden upon your spiritual journey in this lifetime, you have amassed a greater following of Light Beings who watch over you so that at this point in time, you each have a veritable army of Light to protect you.

To counter the chaotic energies that are prevalent in these times, look closely to find the beauty all around you – in people, in places, in your surroundings, in every small vignette of physical perfection, and make this your focus. You are holding the vision of a beautiful and pristine World for all of Humanity and you are making a difference. Too often, you allow the projections of others to influence your consciousness instead of imprinting your conscious intent into each situation. You are the creator of your reality. Train your thoughts to always hold the highest vision and intend the highest outcome for the highest good of all.

Nancy Detweiler: The Truth Will Be Hard To Hear

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(Those Who Reveal Truth to Us Are Not the Culprits)

Allen: Nancy was Stephen Cook’s fascinating guest on The Light Agenda a few weeks back on 29 August. You can hear their conversation here:

By Nancy B. Detweiler M. Ed, M.Div – September 29, 2012


Within the next few weeks, Earth humans will be shocked to learn just many lies we have been told—lies that have been deliberately perpetuated, some for thousands of years.

As Gaia, the great being whose physical body we call Planet Earth, moves toward her Ascension, all that is of a negative nature will be brought forth and released so that healing can occur.  A spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical wound cannot heal until the venom within it is released.


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EERIE EARTHSONG: A NASA spacecraft has recorded eerie-sounding radio emissions coming from our own planet. These beautiful "songs of Earth" could, ironically, be responsible for the proliferation of deadly electrons in the Van Allen Belts. [video] [audio]

INCOMING SOLAR STORM CLOUD: Magnetic fields around sunspot 1577 erupted on Sept. 28th, hurling a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) recorded the cloud as it raced away from the sun faster than 2.2 million mph:

NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% chance of strong geomagnetic storms around the poles on Sept 30th when the cloud reaches Earth. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras, which might be intense enough to see in spite of the full moonlight. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

Realtime Aurora Photo Gallery


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