Solving Ancient Mysteries

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GFP Note: There was a lot of interest in the first part of this series, so I have collected all the videos and put them in one place for easy access. Enjoy.

Part One
Ancient Knowledge, Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Illusion of Reality Pt1
(Solving Ancient Mysteries Part 1)



Part Two
Ancient Knowledge, Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio, Phi in Nature, DNA, Fingerprint of God Pt2
(Solving Ancient Mysteries Part 2)



The Dolphin Collective ~~ Play your game ~~ 29/07/2012 by Méline Lafont

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The Dolphin Collective ~~ Play your game ~~ 29/07/2012  by GLR Méline Lafont

Lovely Ones,
When the changes, quietely moving on,  become more and more visible and noticeable, your real essence too becomes more visible to us. Your lights sparkle more brilliantly than ever before, your hearts are more loving and pure and they long to express themselves. This is great news, my lovely ones, as with these intentions everything can be achieved ; all your heart’s desires. And all of this starting from Love and from a purety of Being. Nothing can withstand the power of Love, nothing even comes close.
It is this purity of Being as well as your Divine Spark within that implies the power of you. This power is limitless and has creative abilities : it is the power of creation that abides deep within yourself. This power is something to be very grateful for, just as you may be grateful for who you really are. We too are grateful for your powers, for your love-filled hearts, for your being, for the Love and Light that you are in essence. Love is an inexhaustible source, moving unstoppably throughout every form of existence on Earth as well as in Heaven. Love is the drive behind all that exists. Know, my lovely ones, that your essence is pure Love, it is what you are made of.

The manuscript of survival – part 175

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The manuscript of survival – part 175


•July 29, 2012 • 


The sun is once again giving freely of her wonderful gifts, and even if they might not feel like gifts as you receive them, these injections will all turn out to be just that, glorious gifts of energy and freedom. As always, the insertion will have your body up in arms in many instances, as these powerful harbingers of change push so much unnecessary dross out of the way to take its place inside of you. And as usual, these upsets and upheavals leave their mark on you for a few days before everything settles into a new groove again. You are all well versed in these effects by now, but still it is indeed necessary to keep reminding yourselves that even though the process in itself never seems to become something you cherish, it is worth it all the while. So stay calm, even when your body seems to be going into overdrive, and breathe deeply to release all of the things that need to be released in order to refill yourselves with the purest of energies coming in.

Konstantinos: Iltheos-Good Morning

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Konstantinos: Iltheos-’Good Morning’

Posted on July 29, 2012 by kp40


  You find yourselves in a dream world. You think that you are awake, but essentially, you are asleep. When you say that you have dreams, it is THAT period of your life, where you are awake. It is THAT time that you return to your true selves and have a taste of  the realities and dimensions you left behind.

  Many of you now, have grown your capabilities, regarding your communication with beings and places of  higher vibration on the Astral Plane. And the number of the awakened persons grows even more. You start to remember that part of yours, which resembles, in a lot of ways, the Galactic Beings who serve the Light.

  But even if this doesn’t happen to all,  you/all of you are ALWAYS  that part, that infinite God piece of yours, which you accepted to forget for some ‘time’ and for a specific amount of  lives, by being incarnated here or to other worlds of Duality.

Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal

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Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal (Go With You Gut Feeling) – 29 July 2012

Your head is built to deal with local cognitive problems, with assists from Spirit in the form of intuition or dreams that add “outside” information into the mix. But it can be like expecting your computer to solve a problem for you when it doesn’t have the informational input. Like asking it what the weather will be in Australia when you have no weather station input from Australia to give it. Thus when you ask your head to solve a problem for which the essential information is not available in physical form, then you just frustrate it you see. You are asking it to perform a task for which it was not built; like asking a hammer to tune up a carburetor. It doesn’t have a chance because it’s not built for the job.

Your gut however is built for the job, believe it or not. Your gut is built around the very core essence of you and so it is going to give you a response that comes from the core of you, and that is a very big core indeed.  Trust your gut. Go with your gut.

David Wilcock – The Great Revealing… Update

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David Wilcock – The Great Revealing… Update – 29 July 2012

Posted on July 29, 2012 by lucas2012infos 
I had hoped to finish uploading the rest of this investigation on Wednesday — but was not able to do so.
The investigation itself is still transforming — on a variety of levels.
Powerful events have taken place — some very positive, and some definitely negative. None of them have affected me personally. I am safe and my associates are safe.
Benjamin Fulford did not post an update this week, causing alarm for his readers — but I can confirm that he is OK. I do not know when he will resume posting, but hopefully soon.

The illusion is your own collective invention and it is not of God by John Smallman

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The illusion is your own collective invention and it is not of God

07/29/2012 by John Smallman

Humanity has been most successfully impregnated with God’s divine Love.  The seed was always there, and now the nourishing rain of the divine energy field encircling the Earth is bringing it enthusiastically to life.  It has lain dormant for a long time – although it has occasionally been tempted to respond to God’s constant outpouring of Love – because humanity was not ready for the enormous shift in perspective necessary for it to flourish.  That has all changed, and the constant nourishment it is receiving from that divine energy field, to which is added humanity’s own intense desire to awaken, has sparked an irreversible chain of events that will culminate in your awakening.

From our vantage point in the spiritual realms the view is amazingly beautiful. The brightness of the field of Love enveloping you all is stunning!  So much progress has been made in such a short time, compared to the eons during which the illusion held you fast in its thrall, when Reality was hidden from you by the fog of chaos and confusion, prompting your sense of separation which soon enveloped you completely, and cutting off all memories of who you were and where you came from.


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29th JULY 2012

Good morning. Well , here I am , all set up on my NEW computer having been unable to communicate with you due to all the tech issues I have been having. However … as far as I am aware … I am ready to go. Are you with me?

We are continually with you and all those who invite us into their space. We have been following accounts of your days and noticed troubles that have occurred within your energy due to the falling down of your means of communication with us … and we are happy to ‘see’ that we are once again able to resume. 


I simply have to ask … I can’t let it go … The last time I had to buy a new computer was just before Oct 14th 2008 … this time it got very sick whilst trying to send out the visualisation for the Olympic games …  Surely I am just small fry … was it just coincidence?

We would suggest that you leave such matters in the hands of those who persist in technological transitions of destruction and simply continue on …moving through that which you can do nothing about . You are determined to see your pathway forward and for this we congratulate you and those who continue to do the same. Life in times such as this that you live in ... will certainly proceed in a manner that will heighten and yet also disillusion ... due to the efforts of those who FEEL that their accomplishments are about to be thwarted and their power shall no longer thrive. This is part of the reason that we ask you to remain in your Light AT ALL TIMES.


I notice you say AT ALL TIMES. I FEEL you are referring to the morning when I completely lost it with frustration of my situation.  I have to say … it's about ten years since I have behaved so badly!!

And would you say that such behaviour released that which was pent up inside?


It had to come out somewhere! Yet I wasn’t proud of myself.

Let us reiterate then … in the coming times when so very much change shall be upon you at a very fast and meaningful rate … it will require all of your wits to be about you . There shall be much confusion and contrast and one shall at times FEEL they do not know if they are coming or going. It shall be a time when no matter how strongly resolute you may think you are to your TRUTH … that you shall still be questioning many many things.

KNOW … we are not here to make your concern a factor … Yet we could not accept it as correct if we were not at least to prepare you of such things. This is why we continue to impart the knowledge that the benefit of meditation is of the utmost importance and we would say … urgency. By connecting with your Higher strength and LOVE you are able to prepare the aspect of you that is upon the Earth plane in readiness for the LIGHT that MUST shine from you.

Today … many thousands of you focused your LIGHT AS ONE on the arena of the Olympic ceremony. What a delight shone forth out into the ethers. If you knew of the value that this united front added to the up and coming events  … and the difference that this alone HAS made to the ease of certain occurrences … you would each award yourselves medals. 

Lay aside any desires to condemn and punish by John Smallman

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Lay aside any desires to condemn and punish

July 29, 2012 by John Smallman

Life is tricky for some of you, as the moment for humanity’s grand awakening approaches.  All the personal issues that you have neglected or denied are breaking into your conscious awareness, quite forcibly if necessary, and it can be very unsettling.  All you have to do is allow them to present themselves to you. You do not have to do anything with them or about them; they hold an energy that needs to be released because it is causing blockages in your energy fields. Just observe them, experience the feelings they bring up for you — and just observe.  They may sit with you for quite a while, possibly being rather painful, but if you allow them, they will pass, leaving you feeling somewhat renewed or freed.

Heavenletter #4265 Desire and Let Go, July 29, 2012

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God said: 

A preference is not a plight. This will be good for you to remember. Because something doesn’t go your way means only that something isn’t going your way, as you see it. That you don’t get your desires fulfilled the way you want or as soon as you want doesn’t mean tragedy, disaster, reproach, callousness, intolerable. If a wish of yours does not go your way, no matter how much you want it, no matter how much you think you have to have it and how much you feel that the world has to give it to you, it is not for you to make a big thing of it.

It is a presumption in life to think that something – or everything – has to go your way! This is the way a little child sees the world. You are no longer a little child. It’s true, the world is at your service, yet not at your beck and call. The world is at your service, yet the world is not your valet. Nor am I, dear ones. I, too, am at your service. I am your willing God yet not your valet. I am not, what in earlier days, was called your abigaill. No, My dears, pick up after yourself and others. Let some of your desires be for others. Bear in mind that you are also to prepare the way for others. May your wishes be fulfilled yet not coerced.

~Time for The Real Green Light~ Open Your Hearts~

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Submitted by Rubencca2012 on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 19:01.

I know we are better, stronger, we are true survivors! That's why heaven chose us... We are of the light and whenever you enter a dark room and you turn on a light, the dark disappears. We are made in the image of Gods, it is time for us to reclaim who we really are.


In a way this green light I think has to do with your heart chakra, it is also Green. Time to open our hearts and show who we really are...

Love and Light to All

Ruben Quiroz


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