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SRI YANTRA. Image by Sensiart.com


SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012

Dear Friends,


I am writing this while - according to ancient gnostic wisdom - Gaia is actually aligning herself right now with the Galactic Center of our Universe! Exactly on 17.6.12, at 1:50 PM, AEST. And not  on 21. 12 12.  This is not publicly known. 


In these texts one of her names is Sophia, but She has many more, She is the Goddess of ancient wisdom, also called Hathor, Isis, Kali.... She Is Divine Mother.

I just came across this information and feel very much moved as this also coincides with the latest message, I received from Her. Link


Her Yantra is the ancient and famous Shri Yantra. The Bindu in the Center of the Yantra is the Union with Ultimate Divine Consciousness. The geometric layers around the Bindu is the unfolding into the dimensions of creation.

Heavenletter #4223 Frequenting Heaven

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Heavenletter #4223 Frequenting Heaven, June 17, 2012 

God said: 


Stay with Me, beloveds. When you don't know what to do or where to go, stay with Me. I am your Haven. Yes, your Haven, or Heaven, if you prefer. You are always welcome with Me. Welcome is not a strong enough word. The fact is that I will not be away from you. I come to you. I am already with you. Acknowledge this, and be happy. My love for you is great, and My love for you is constant.

I know you want more than you presently surmise. I know you want to see more love coming to you in the world. Dear Ones, you know, all the love in the world is not enough. No matter how much you are loved, you want more. I am the More. My love is yours. You were born with Original Love, and Original Love has stayed with you. You may have submerged your awareness of joy. Nevertheless, joy is yours. You cannot delete it, nor can you run away from it. Well, yes, you can run away from it, but not forever.

Ann Albers – Message From Ann And The Angels – 16 June 2012

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Ann Albers – Message From Ann And The Angels – 16 June 2012

Posted on June 16, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

As we’ve said so many times before,e your journey here upon the earth is an exploration of love. Your desire for love causes you to seek out loving relationships and your frustrations with love upset you in the greatest ways. You want to be seen and acknowledged. You want to be understood. You want others to know your very great light. That is a natural and normal human desire. However, it is equally important that you grant others these same gifts – that you attempt to see and acknowledge others’ perspectives as being perfect for the growth they are here to do; that you attempt to the best of your ability to understand one another, and when you do not, you work hard not to judge. It is important to recognize that deep within every soul, no matter how dark or troubled they appear to be, is a very great light. When you focus upon that light, you help coax it to the surface.

John Smallman: Relax regularly into a quiet and peaceful state

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Relax regularly into a quiet and peaceful state



06/17/2012 by John Smallman

If you choose to pay careful attention to your intuition, your inner knowing or guidance, you can access much information and knowledge that is pertinent to your forthcoming awakening.  The illusion distracts you from your homeward path by bringing your attention and focus back to your physical bodies again and again – hunger, tiredness, thirst, anxiety, fear, pain – in an endless succession of issues that it seems you need to deal with immediately.

Earthrise is here on June 16th, 2012 with a prelude update.

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June 16th, 2012 We are in the prelude of what is about to happen. On June 17th, 2012 starting at 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET, Drake will be live. The show will be 3 three hours long. Drake will be making emergency announcements.---Thank you Earth Allies for this information. The prelude will be ending soon! Remember to focus in the NOW. Humanity is about to get the biggest wake up call. Since the Venus transit, any ego left in me if there was any dissolved. I feel it happening. I feel it! It's happening NOW! Get ready! Many things will be happening shortly. Remember to do everything you trained for. Your moment to shine is NOW! Right this very second! Go to the Light! You are the Light! Spread the Light! Light is here! Earthrise is here!

EARTH ALLIES 16.6.2012... Email from Drake’s People… on 6-17-12, “Drake Will Be Making Emergency Announcements”

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Email from Drake’s People… on 6-17-12, “Drake Will Be Making Emergency Announcements”

I would add to that title, “Whatever that means.” Since I have no idea what that means. I have not been able to find this anywhere on any of Drake’s or Drake-associated sites.

As always, use discernment here. This does NOT necessarily mean that “it’s” all going down right now, although with all these energies and Light incoming, “it” could very well be going down (and remember, Emergency = Emerge + Ency, so this could be our “Emerging” day, out of the old into the new, out of the dark, into the Light).

I pass this along, PRIMARILY, so we may hold this in the Higher Light. So, let’s all just hold it in the Higher Light.

There’s Magic In The Air! Can You Feel It? ~ By, AuroRa Le. June 16, 2012.

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There’s Magic In The Air! Can You Feel It? ~ By, AuroRa Le. June 16, 2012.


The solstice is just a few days away, and there seems to be a brand new vibration to everything around us.  I know it’s not just me who’s feeling it.  I’ve gotten so many messages and have spoken to so many people who are saying the exact same thing.  Over the last few days I’ve been feeling lighter, more disconnected from the everyday 3D events going on around me, and I’m aware of what I can only describe as a funloving, happy vibration of someone or something entirely new to this reality.  Truthfully, it’s going to be nearly impossible to convert what I’m experiencing into our limited human language, so I ask that you just bear with me while I try!

Visionkeeper – Be The Light – 16 June 2012

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Visionkeeper – Be The Light – 16 June 2012

Posted on June 16, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

(Photo: www.favim.com)

There are so many dark happenings going on in the world right now. It is imperative that we all shine our light strongly, now more than ever. Think love, give love, be love in everything we do. Be a beacon of loving light! It seems it is only when we stray away from our heart centers that we begin to doubt and question and worry. Are we going to win this battle? Is all this way of thinking real or just another fabrication from the dark ones evil plans? This is very dangerous thinking and we need to stick close to our path and not venture off and allow in the doubt.

We are the pure Spirit behind the ‘spiritual’ ego

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We are the pure Spirit behind the ‘spiritual’ ego

There is a spiritual ego in play currently that is still keeping us in the illusion- running through the New age arena and  Spiritual community like a raging  fire.   Even as there is a physical, vital and mental ego, there is a very advanced and clever Spiritual ego running rampant, viral. It is time we all recognize this  false ego and put it out of the playing field for good, cleansing and purifying the heart and Spirit to the core with  the True Sacred Fire of Love. It is time for us to fully remember we are ONE.  There is no hierarchy in the Oneness.  No hidden  motive or  organizations managed and run with control, power and  the money agenda.    We can and must recognize within ourselves this  false ego agenda and stop following false profits operating from inflated egos, stop supporting it.  The time of the old paradigm is over.  It is time to give up that way, and come back to the way of the Divine Feminine.  Co Creation, love based, kindness and humility.


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