~Join US NOW~ Love Party~ Mass Liberation Meditation Together we Can Make It Happen~

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~ Join US Live as We Lighten Up the Planet In Love and Trigger the Reboot and the First Stargate Opening~ We Need as Many as Possible with us. Thank You for spreading the Message to Others. Lets Get Er' Done~



video chat provided by Tinychat



Here is a Link to Join US, Thank you for Spreading this around to as Many Groups As Possible. This Link will Be embedded on the site Shortly~


Love The Earth Allies

Kerrie (Zoolithe) ~ Ashtar Talks To A 3 Years Old! ~ 20 May 2012

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Kerrie (Zoolithe) ~ Ashtar Talks To A 3 Years Old! ~ 20 May 2012


I received this email from a member so I am popping it here,I have been contacted before by Ashtar and he seems to be contacting a few of us lately.

So you know how my grandkids are with intuition, etc and this whole 2012 issue? I will be posting about this on federation blog tomorrow but tonight I am too tired, but wanted to ask you about this. my youngest grand daughter told me today, that she’s been seeing ships in the sky, that they followed her home from the cottage. that they are watching over her, and her sister. She said : they are aliens, that the one is named Ashtar, and he or she told her, that they are going to show them rainbows in the sky, and fireworks and sparklers, and that soon it will get very dark out, for days, and we have to go to the cottage, and that it will be in the winter.

Contribute your self as you are. ~ Michael through Ron Head

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Contribute your self as you are. ~ Michael through Ron Head

May 20, 2012 in

Press here for  Spanish  or  Portuguese.


On this auspicious day, we greet you, and join you in creating an entirely new energy for your planet.  Your solar star and the sun star Alcyone, your moon, and dear Gaia will be in direct alignment.

The resulting energy surge will be felt for days.  You have been feeling it for several days already as the alignment came closer.  You are now entering the time, the energy, the light, of which the ancient ones wrote upon their stones.  You are coming into the time of revealing.  The earth will bring the evidence of your past into the light until it will be impossible to ignore it any longer.  Once again your outer and inner worlds reflect each other.  The true nature of your being is coming into the light now, also.  The gossamer thin veil will now finally drop for many of you.


May 20 2012 ~ Expansive Grace prior to Universe Birth Moment

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May 20 2012 ~ Expansive Grace prior to Universe Birth Moment
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Pre-dawn, MOON CONJUNCTS JUPITER, at 5:34 am pdt. We are expanded in the grace, just before a new birth. Have you ever seen a mother give birth? Wow! The journey for each woman, each animal, each creature, each star, who gives birth, is unique. As well, what each star, each planet, each mother needs to do in the preparation just before this birth comes bursting through her birth canal, is her own knowing. This power and force of creation can be messy, volatile and painful. It is however, a miracle, a grace of merging a non-physical spiritual force with a physical incarnate object. We are vessels to this miracle as we give birth.

~Love Party Mass Meditation Begins at 2pm Pacific~ Join US

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 A ReHearter, Please Join us Live, Beginning at 2pm Pacific for the Love Party to Really Kick off the Eclipse and Alignment Energies and assist us in the trigger for the Opening of the First Stargate On Planet Earth=Heart! BYOB, Bring Your Own Being.



We Will Have Very High Energies in this Room, Prepare for Tears of Overflowing Joy, Laughter, and Much More~  We will Post the Link and embed this Chat room to The Galactic Free Press. We have an unlimited amount who can be there with us. The More We Focus our Unified collective Light, the Quicker the Events will Manifest.Thank You for Getting this To As Many as Possible, so everyone can Help. The More Light which comes into the Planet the Quicker The Inevitibale Events Unfold~Then Together we will Complete the 6:30pm Meditation.


Also We have 12 Spots for Video, the First Spots are for the Earth Allies and We can Also rotate others through. We will Begin the Video around 3pm.

Ascension Rock ~ Mt. Shasta

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Ascension Rock ~ Mt. Shasta


Do you know the way to…Ascension Rock? Apparently I didn’t. Of course, I certainly thought that I did, but those more in the know than me have pointed out the error of my ways. So you ask, what is it I’m even talking about?


Well, about a year and a half ago someone told me about this cool place on Mt. Shasta where you could essentially tune into the energies of the mountain and actually ascend to a higher plane. Yes I know, sounds quite new agey and all that, but I’ve made a few trips over the years to Shasta from the Bay Area where I live. I definitely believe there is something quite extraordinary about this mountain. I’m a bit on the fence as to what it is, but I’ve got an explorer’s heart. So every year or two I take a long weekend over there to see what’s the latest thing happening.


Prelude to Eclipse, Earth quakes — in us. Together, in meditation, we shift emergency into emergence.

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Prelude to Eclipse, Earth quakes — in us. Together, in meditation, we shift emergency into emergence.

Posted on May 20, 2012 

Please pay attention to the Nick Fiorenza post, re: this evening’s annular solar eclipse, planetary configurations, and earthquakes.

Let us recognize that our bodies are antennas for the Earth body.

Let us imagine earthquakes as Earth (and our own bodies) quaking (waking up) to align with the larger awareness that bathes and vivifies the body.

Hilarion's Weekly Message, May 20~27, 2012

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Beloved Ones,
Keeping yourselves grounded into the Earth’s core is the most important step to take right now. You are each here to bring your higher aspects into your physical body and it is important that you have a strong foundation upon which to do this. What you are seeking is within yourselves and not in the outer World. Allow a few moments each day to feel your heart pulse in rhythm with the Earth, for this will connect and attune you and the Earth, as your vibrational level is uplifted. Trust in your inner guidance as you go about your daily activities and follow the inner promptings as they occur.

Pia And Cullen ~ The Venus Transit Will Bring Love & Light ~ 20 May 2012

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Pia And Cullen ~ The Venus Transit Will Bring Love & Light ~ 20 May 2012


Laarkmaa logoHumanity is on the verge of experiencing an event that could bring an exponential rise in consciousness to the human race.  A portal approaches, and we have the choice to consciously address the opportunity or to cling to our habitual behaviors and beliefs.  We are speaking of a physical event that will offer a spiritual opportunity.


The portal to which we refer is the Venus Transit that occurs on June 5-6, 2012.  On this date, Venus will cross the Sun, bringing together powerful energies that can be utilized for our own evolution.  If we pay attention to the many changes that are occurring internally and externally, consciously choosing our response, we can participate with the creation of a new wave of consciousness.


Space Weather Update~Interplanetary Shockwave~

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INTERPLANETARY SHOCK WAVE: An interpanetary shock wave possibly associated with the M5-class solar flare of May 17th swept past Earth on May 20th around 0200 UT. The shock's arrival caused geomagnetic activity around the poles, and several outbreaks of high-latitude auroras. Images: #1, #2.


SOLAR ECLIPSE--TODAY!! On Sunday, May 20th, the Moon will pass in front of the Sun, producing an annular solar eclipse visible across the Pacific side of Earth. The path of annularity, where the sun will appear to be a "ring of fire," stretches from China and Japan to the middle of North America:


Image credits (left to right): Hans Coeckelberghs, Fred Espenak, Dennis Mammana


Galactic Earth Truth Report - 05-20-12 Incoming energies are cleaning

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Galactic Earth Truth Report - 05-20-12 Incoming energies are cleaning






Greetings Love Beings,

today a small update, only the most significant events so far as we will all gather together for the meditation and for the Love Party where all of you are invited to join to spread Love energies far across the Planet!

As said yesterday, do not be surprised if Mother Earth=Heart would increase Her cleansing today... and do not be surprised if it was not over yet, or tomorrow, remember, we're all here to clean, let go, transmute old into Love. Focus on Love and Know that whatever is for the Best outcome for All. 

Thank you for Focusing on the Love you=all Are!

Love you, ANdReA 

Blossom Goodchild – 20 May 2012

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Blossom Goodchild - May 20, 2012


Hello again. It is always a pleasure to sit down and converse with you and wondering what each communication shall unfold. So, I hand it over to you to take the lead.


Many thanks. In our usual fashion we would desire only to uplift and exalt.  The coming times are 'amping up' that which takes place for you NOW in your today. The energies are building to such a degree that they are almost tipping the scale. Excitement is in the air.

Preparing for the May 20 Eclipse and Ascension Trigger

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Preparing for the May 20 Eclipse and Ascension Trigger

2012 MAY 20 Posted by Vina


Preparing for the May 20 Eclipse and Ascension Trigger

via Children of the Sun

May, 2012


In these next days, we are preparing for the most incredible new moon Solar Eclipse alignment which positions the Earth/Moon/Sun directly with our Milky Way galactic core and the central star Alcyone in the Pleiadian Star System.

It will undoubtedly herald in a super intense power surge (already being felt) that will most likely open the first of many planetary ascension portals and catalyzing unimaginable accelerations in our advancement.


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