Stretching Science: Stable Electrodes

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(editor's note: In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! Those of us who can see the bigger picture of our changing world, understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.

~All my Love, Boo)



~The Cosmic Super Spin~

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a message from Sarah-Jane Grace

Friday, 20 April, 2012 


As the washing machine of life continues on fast spin, it is all too easy to get disorientated in dizziness from the spin cycle. We can become confused and befuddled by even the simplest tasks; a bit like trying to concentrate at high altitude where the air is thin and lacking in oxygen. Of course, we find ourselves in this spin for a reason, for it is part of the cosmic super spin or ‘wash’ cycle taking us from one state of consciousness to the next; we have to go through the spin cycle in order to become free of the excess in our lives in order to be free to embrace the next step in our evolution.

Djwhal Khul ~ New Moon Earth Day

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Djwhal Khul ~ New Moon Earth Day


Terri Newlon | April 19 2012

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.


Alright. First thing that I want to do is sort of accentuate the telepathic abilities. You want to be doing things that stimulate the Third Eye center. It can be just maybe holding a beautiful amethyst crystal in front of it or flower essences, essential oils. You can even take some incense ashes and put a little dab on the Third Eye. Anything that feels good to you. So you want to bring out that telepathic ability.


Now we are at a New Moon and Earth Day. And the moon is in Taurus along with the Sun in Taurus, with a black moon. So it also highlights the Year of the Dragon energy, because we’re black water Dragon and with the earthy Taurus energies.


Thinking that water and earth may be moving more so than normal and would say to really take some time to go within and appreciate Mother Earth. Even just before sipping on some water or as you’re preparing some lovely vegetables, or anything. Anything. Just look outside and see a bird and appreciate Mother Nature.


Laura Bruno ~ Update on the Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks

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Laura Bruno ~ Update on the Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks (Thanks, Laura :-) April 20 2012


by GLR Laura Bruno


Many people have asked me, either in blog comments, sessions or personal conversations if I can “prove” David Wilcocks’ announcement of liens being filed against all 12 federal reserve banks. The short answer is, “No, I can’t, but my gut tells me this ‘Plan’ is legit.” I decided to share unproven — and perhaps, as yet, unprovable — information here, because it seemed important to share. If you don’t choose to believe it, I won’t feel offended. In fact, I applaud people doing their own research — online, via their own insider contacts, actively seeking Truth, and most importantly, getting quiet within themselves so that they can hear and sense their own inner polygraph.

For most people, tuning into a disinfo detector might feel difficult to impossible, because their whole lives from education to TV to media to GM foods and pesticides to medicines to chemtrails to group think peer pressure have been designed to force them to swallow lies and call these food. If you eat mostly or all junk food, then it’s difficult to know which specific foods have caused your irritable bowel syndrome, mind fog, arthritis and overwhelming fatigue. Everything gets all muddled up in there, and symptoms pile upon symptoms.

Take some BigPharma drugs to mask those symptoms, and a host of side effects jump into the mix, until soon you’re taking drugs to combat the side effects of other drugs. Digestion becomes compromised. So does the body’s natural protection system — the immune system. Immune and autoimmune diseases result, in which the body embraces toxic substances, attacks itself, and/or rejects or fails to assimilate real nourishment. We live in a world of obese, starving people. In this state, the mental, emotional, and spiritual immune systems become compromised, too. As within, so without. As above, so below. Everything interconnects. In this state, discernment of true, nourishing, real information becomes very difficult to accomplish.

What can you do, and what does this have to do with the 12 liens?

Oracle Report ~ Friday April 20 2012 Different Energy

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Oracle Report ~ Friday April 20 2012

Posted on


April 20, 2012

by Gillian


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader


Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase

The Sun moved into Taurus last evening, joining the Black Moon and Jupiter. The next month is going to be life-altering for all Taureans and it will reach maximum power on May 5th.


Kauilapele Message… “There’s a lot BEING Done” and, “There’s a lot to ‘NOT’ Do”

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Kauilapele Message… “There’s a lot BEING Done” and, “There’s a lot to ‘NOT’ Do”


Posted on April 19, 2012

This is a short post. All I can say right now is that there feels as if so much is “happening behind the visible eyes scenes” that it’s probably like being in the eye of a hurricane. Very still, for the moment. But when the backside of the hurricane hits, it’s a lot stronger than the front half. The front side stirred things up, lifted the veils on a lot of the hidden “crap” (the dark, the cabal, etc.), and now we’re in that weirdly still, still, still center. I don’t know all of it, but that’s how it feels to me.


So whether this is like the eye of a hurricane or not, it does feel like a still moment, just before the big storm, before a grand activity begins (again?), whatever that might mean. In fact, as I recall, that second wind from the hurricane blows the opposite way from the first. So I suppose one could say that the second wind blows away the “crap” that was uprooted by the first wind. So does that mean we’re about to get our second wind?

Enlightened Beings ~ How To Become A Master Of Compassion

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Enlightened Beings ~ How To Become A Master Of Compassion

Jafree Ozwald | April 20 2012

“Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. God himself has created you; you cannot be improved.” ~Osho

The Universe has a way of teaching us in the most mysterious ways. Throughout your life, you’ve most likely encountered experiences which made you feel stuck, lost, frustrated, or disappointed on some level. Then, just when you thought all hope was lost, some act of grace happened and life turned your situation around. You then experienced a feeling of relief, satisfaction, joy or just felt things were lighter for you in some way. Life is very intentional in the way its pendulum swings. When we get to taste sour lemons, it makes the lemonade even more succulent and sweet.


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RUBBER CHICKEN FLIES INTO SOLAR STORM: In a unusual twist on space science, students in California have launched a rubber chicken to the edge of space to study a solar storm. Get the full story from Science@NASA.


UNUSUAL 3D METEOR PHOTO-OP: This weekend, NASA scientists, amateur astronomers, and an astronaut on board the International Space Station will attempt the first-ever 3D photography of meteors from Earth and space. The rare photo-op occurs during the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower on Saturday night, April 21st. [full story] [meteor radar] [Lyrid video]


INCOMING PLASMA CLOUDS: On April 18th and 19th, a series of minor CMEs puffed away from the sun. Three of them are heading in our general direction. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab have prepared an animated forecast track of the ensemble:

Council Of Twelve ~ Wesak – Its Importance In 2012

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Council Of Twelve ~ Wesak – Its Importance In 2012

Posted on April 20, 2012

 by GLR 

How You & Humanity Will Benefit from the Wesak Blessings

Right now, the annual Wesak blessing energies are building, the enlightened Masters assembling and connecting with humanity. The great ones like the Buddha, the Christ, and Kuan Yin will be with you more tangibly again this season. At Wesak celebrations worldwide, you will be able to sense their presence and receive their wisdom.

Paradise by SophiaLove

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by SophiaLove
  A field of yellow catches my eye and I turn to enjoy the view.  This little patch of dirt, squished between cement sidewalk and highway, is awash with color on this rainy spring morning.  I am surprised.  I drive by here every day and have never noticed.  A closer look offers an answer, these are weeds.

Relentless and persistent, dandelions thrive anywhere.  Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed.  

A dear friend of mine loves them and looks forward to their emergence.  It does seem to be merely a preference instead of a fact that dandelions are an eyesore.  You’d be hard pressed to tell the difference from a distance between a field of daffodils and a field of dandelions.  One you plant, the other you pull.

ARCHANGEL INDRIEL. ♥ Miracles Abound.♥

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ARCHANGEL INDRIEL. ♥ Miracles Abound.♥

By GLR AuroRa Le. April 19, 2012.


Miracles abound, my children,  and they are everywhere you look.  Do you not feel your hand in God’s, holding the brush as it softly strokes the canvas, creating beauty from what seemed to be nothing?  Peer closely now.  Examine your world with eyes afresh, a child’s eyes, and see the masterful strokes of color – some bold, some fine – telling the story of the approaching  new day.  

The veil has been lifted further. – Yeshua and Michael by Ron Head

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Michael and Yeshua

I bring with me this morning our beloved Lord Yeshua.  He wishes to give the message for today.

Good morning dear souls and friends.  On this day the bond between spirit and matter on your earth has increased, or more accurately, the veil has been lifted further.  Those who see or feel these things are already aware of the change.  This will further enable you to make the changes in your lives which you so deeply desire.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 20 April 2012

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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 20 April 2012

Everything continues to build up to the point that what is happening where the arrests are concerned, cannot be ignored for much longer by the media. We not only want their support, but events reported as they truly happen and with a truthful explanation. Eventually we will provide our own services to ensure our actions are not misrepresented, but meantime we welcome and thank those of the Light who are in the forefront of revelations through the Internet. Sometimes the reports are somewhat speculative, which means that you must still be discerning in how you interpret them. By and large they will be reliable, but you must still watch out for deliberate disinformation.


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